You have probably heard of the trending word “metaverse”, but do you know how to learn it? You may have heard of NFT games but don’t know when to talk about them? Recently, a popular NFT game, Plato Farm, was launched. The art style is really cute and it shows agriculture. If you haven’t tried NFT games before, don’t miss out on this easy-to-play game!

Let me guide you in this article to explore the world of Metaverse and NFT games from Plato Farm!

. Game download

You can get the installation package from the official website: or search for “Plato Farm Pro” in the App Store.

. registration

The interface is as follows when you first open the game:

A HECO address is required to register the game. Players can create their HECO address at the end of the game (create wallet) or import a HECO address (private key). It supports Huobi Wallet / ONTO Wallet / Bitkeep Wallet / Coin98 Wallet. In the following I will present the application scenarios of the two methods.

  1. Create a wallet

You can follow the popups to create a wallet directly if you don’t have a HECO address.

  1. Set wallet password

This password is used for NFT trading and making deposits

  1. Backup mnemonic phrase

A mnemonic phrase is more important than a game password. Anyone who has your mnemonic owns your wallet. It is recommended that you write the mnemonic phrase on paper and keep it properly. The officer has stated that the mnemonic phrase cannot be obtained for the player.

  1. Check the mnemonic phrase

Complete the field with the mnemonic words from the previous step in order

  1. Set game password: This password is used to log into the game. You can see the generated wallet address on this page for transactions.

Note: The memo / private key cannot be sent to anyone!

After entering the game and opening the Wallet Center, you will see My Wallet in the top left corner and click Export to export your private key.

  1. Import private key
  1. Import your private key
  2. Set wallet password: You have to set a wallet password every time you log in with the private key.
  3. Set game password
  4. Complete the game account registration.

Acquiring NFT Games

After entering the game you will find that it is completely barren land as all the props are NFT. You have to buy props to start the game.

Take wheat, for example:

Players can go to the official website in the browser or visit directly in the wallet. Take examples on the PC side or on the mobile side.

PC end

  1. You need to install a MetaMask plug-in here

Step 1: Click on the upper right corner of the Google browser, click on “Settings” in the drop-down menu, select “Extensions” in the menu bar on the left and, after opening the page, click on “Extensions” on the left. And then choose [open Chrome Web App Store], Enter [MetaMask] to install.

Step 2: After installing the Metamask plug-in, you need to apply for a Metamask account and import the address of our wallet.

  1. Open the official website again, the metamask window will open automatically. After entering the password, PlatoFarm is automatically linked to Metamask and then confirms the connection.

  1. You can buy the NFT props in the market such as B. Land, seeds, processing plants, and be aware of the difference between product and resource! The product is for the processed products such as harvested wheat, corn, etc. The resource is for the seeds such as wheat seeds, corn seeds.

  1. Finally, return to the game. Click on the man on the surface, you can also see the wallet’s NFT assets here and transfer those NFT assets from the wallet to the game repository.

Step 1: Click on NFT and select the amount, click on Deposit and enter the wallet password.

Step 2: After the extraction is complete, you can view the assets available in our game in the game repository or withdrawn in NFT. In the same way, you can also extract the resources from our game warehouse into our wallet (click on NFT withdrawn to select the “selected amount” of assets to be withdrawn into the wallet and enter the wallet password), and then you can also sell the assets on the official website.

Step 3: Then click the shopping cart button. You can see the Available option turn green, indicating that you already have these assets in stock.

Please note here that the available shows the assets you have in stock, for example 25/40 means that you can use up to 40 lots at the current level, while you have actually used 25 lots, and the gray pattern indicates that the function is blocked.

In addition, there are no restrictions on the purchase of NFT props, but their use is restricted. For example, if you are now at level 1, you can buy NFT Bakery from the official website, but you will not be able to use this bakery right away as it is for level 2 to unlock.

Mobile end

PlatoFarm supports the following wallets: Metamask, Huobi Wallet and BitKeep. Take the example for TokenPocket here:

1) Download the TokenPocket app from

2) Log into the wallet, you will see the following page:

In the next interface, select “I have an account” and “HECO Chain”. If you have a private key, you can choose the first item “Private Key”, and if you only use mnemonic phrases, choose the second item “Recovery Phrase import”.

Click Discover on the tab bar at the bottom, enter the address of the PlatoFarm official website:, then go to the PlatoFarm website.

Click the menu bar in the top right corner, you can buy NFT from the Market drop down list, and you can view the details of Wallet NFT in Personal:

The following steps are the same as the PC side operations.

On the Plato Farm there is not only agriculture, but also grain processing, NPC trading, a large selection of NFT and a varied gameplay! Pick up the phone now and build your own farm in Metaverse!

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