RYCoin Exchange through the innovative underlying protocol, building exchanges in the exchange with the global chain, the UnionPay-like model to achieve cross-exchange transactions, a larger user base, higher income and more anti-risk ability is achieved, but also let the reform of the global business chain usher in a new morning.

RYCoin will realize the mutual promotion and transformation of ecological values. In order to provide users with safer, more convenient and smarter value-added services for the circulation of blockchain assets, the platform simultaneously aggregates global high-quality blockchain asset transactions, integrates the world’s leading blockchain technology and ensures that global digital assets circulate efficiently.

RYCoin has successfully created a one-stop digital asset transaction service that can provide users with trading services such as fiat trading, coin trading, contract trading, options trading, liquidity mining, UP wealth management, IEO subscription, etc. that covers multiple platforms from iOS , Android and Windows and supports full-service functions.

Given the expansion and liquidity of the blockchain industry, the technical team at RYCoin exhibits digital assets based on the blockchain to make the transfer of transactions safe and easier, solving the current liquidity problems that exist in the block industry and related services and Products in different areas predominate countries. With the clarity of future regulation, RYCoin aims to become a global leader in asset digitization in the digital currency trading platform industry.

Investors interested in digital assets can trade on the blockchain and distribute the income and related products and services proportionately, and if the related projects run well and have dividends during the period, then according to the proportional distribution of income and related products and services, dividends are distributed proportionally to the owners of the digital assets.

On the RYCoin platform, it has the properties of its projects as well as the usage and value base of the RYCoin token. Due to the variety of virtual products, digital currencies have a wide variety of commercial uses, such as:

• Buying and selling digital currencies, exchanging fiat currencies and trading between different digital currencies.

• Offline transactions, RYCoin Coins can be used as a means of payment to subscribe to offline products.

• RYCoin Coin is an equity token issued by the platform with the right to dividends.

1) Platform services and RYCoin coin value

With the explosion of the global block concept, all seven leading internet companies in the world have developed their own blockchain technology. There is an urgent need for a safer and faster trading platform. The services of RYCoin strive to create a safe, comfortable and fast trading channel for lovers of digital asset investments, strictly verifying the identity of traders, ensuring the safety of members’ funds, refusing non-real name and illegal capital inflows, so that investors act with confidence.

2) The appreciation potential of the secondary market circulation

The blockchain industry and digital currency have great vitality, and with the dividend income from operating products and services, the acquisition and destruction of the platform becomes a high quality target of capital competition in the secondary market and the appreciation space is huge.

3) project dividends

Platform equity tokens have infinite market vitality and can bring tremendous cash flow. A portion of the proceeds will be used to run the project and acquire the RYCoin market and marketing ruin until the market hits deflation. In addition, RYCoin will from time to time conduct exclusive activities for token holders, such as: B. dropping new coins traded on the platform.

In order to drive RYCoin’s secure, efficient and cost-effective circular transactions and integration with companies, RYCoin Exchange has created three main service modules: tokenization module for the digital economy, currency trading and fiat trading module, and DeFi commercial banking.

1) Module for tokenization of the digital economy

Digital tokens encourage the use of various evidences of rights and interests, values ​​and interests in valuable assets, etc., represented by a token, placed on the blockchain to circulate transactions and let the market price all flow into the transaction process. With RYCoin, transactions can be completed easily, quickly and inexpensively. For example, tickets, points, contracts, certificates, point cards, securities, authorizations, qualifications, etc. are tokenized in the digital economy, circulated on the blockchain, put on the market for trading, so that the market automatically adjusts its price and can at the same time in the real Economic life to be consumed and verified.

2) Module for coin trading and fiat trading

RYCoin is a completely decentralized token, all transaction records are recorded in the chain and the data is open, transparent and traceable and cannot be manipulated. To this end, the RYCoin exchange offers efficient and secure access to coin trading, fiat trading and C2C services. When a user buys RYCoin or another currency on the platform, the platform automatically matches the exchange with the lowest current price of the purchase currency to be bought. At the time of sale, the platform is equivalent to the most expensive exchange in the world.

Regarding transaction reconciliation services, RYCoin Exchange uses a distributed load and storage architecture to avoid service interruptions due to server failures. it can support hundreds of thousands of match requests per second; the service supports horizontal expansion, which can be expanded rapidly as business grows; Service calls use the https protocol and add mechanisms such as authentication and manipulation to improve security.

3) DeFi Commercial Bank

In the future, the RYCoin exchange will be gradually upgraded to a 2.0 decentralized DEFI aggregation financial chain, build a commercial bank in the DEFI area, use the RYCoin token as a link, DEFI lending, swap, cloud mining, etc., help from DeFi to provide global financial services and promote the connection between the blockchain and the traditional financial world.

The core value of the blockchain is not to do evil or to not be able to do evil, establishes a collective witness, immutable network for the exchange of trustworthy values. With this core piece, we will build a commercial value cycle ecology that supports multiple industries and create basic functional facilities including independent wallets, digital asset circulation systems, and global business ecosystems.

Official website: https://rycoincrypto.pro/h5

Official download link: https://download.rycoincrypto.pro/down

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