Toronto, a beautiful international metropolis

Visionary Group Headquarters (Toronto)

Chinese cultural figures online (Reporter: Qin Liu). Better education and a better life is not only a good educational vision, but also the dream of every student. Bertrand Russell, a famous British philosopher, mathematician and logician, is credited with being one of the educators of the encyclopedia. In his book Education and the Good Life, he wrote that even the most ordinary children can become extraordinary people if they are raised properly. Coincidentally, Visionary Education Technology Holdings Group Inc.’s vision is to ensure students achieve academic and professional success through their services.

Visionary Education Technology Holdings Group Inc. was incorporated in Toronto on August 13, 2013 and listed on NASDAQ on May 17, 2022 (NASDAQ: VEDU). With the theme of education, technology and industrial development, we are committed to building a world-class multinational company with core competencies in education. On July 5, 2022, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau met with the core team of Visionary Group and in his congratulatory letter also expressed positive and high regard for the achievements and contributions of the Chinese people in Canada.

VEDU’s main business includes secondary, vocational and higher education, a technology innovation center, virtual production, intelligent supply chains and a general health platform. We have offices in the United States, Europe, Asia and other regions, and our business covers more than 100 countries.

VEDU implements the mode of “learning and production integration”, closely combines industry and teaching, accurately matches talent and market demand, and operates VEDU as an educational enterprise integrating talent training, education, production and professional services to provide quality educational services to the world and opens an innovative path for the Canadian vocational training industry.

VEDU has educational and commercial buildings in Toronto that provide quality facilities for the development of VEDU. We also have two colleges, three high schools, teenage art education center, e-school platform, general health platform and intelligent logistics training center.

VEDU has around 100 employees, of which 10% have PhDs, 50% have Masters degrees and 2 have been awarded Oscars; one received the UN Chinese Association Peace Award; and 2 are the recipients of the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Award.

In order to adapt to the economy, the company decided to comprehensively improve the level of education and the scale of the company. The company signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Beijing Association for the Promotion of Olympic Culture and the Institute of Social Sciences of Tsinghua University, Tsinghua Research Center for Community of Shared Future, respectively. It plans to construct the Canadian Olympic University in a VEDU building in Toronto, apply for the modernization of the MTM Animation and Art College, which has existed for almost 30 years, and jointly build educational projects with the Institute of Social Sciences of Tsinghua University and research center. Providing better educational services to students in Canada and around the world and promoting the international development of higher education in Canada. At the same time, the Olympic International High School is being built in Niagara Falls, Ontario, making new contributions to the international development of Canadian high school education.

Education determines the future of mankind. Our society must continually nurture talent through education. It needs to be updated, new knowledge explored through education, so that people can better understand and change the world and create a better future. The education sector is a long-term development strategy of Visionary Group. Break the barriers between education and industry, create a new educational ecosystem that challenges traditional educational methods such as virtual production and digital film and television media, etc. We will work with industry leaders to develop an integrated education architecture.

VEDU will be fully committed to the education of our younger generation.

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