2021 is the year of the NFT. NFT is being used in music, arts, sports and games, etc. as the volume of trade grows. NFT represents ownership of purely online things like digital art, trading cards, and the online world, so speculators and cryptocurrency enthusiasts are flocking to buy this new type of asset.

Speaking of the NFT project, the KOLO platform combined with classical music has to be mentioned. KOLO is a brand new NFT platform that focuses on classical musical works and has many legitimate copyrights. KOLO strives to digitize the masterpieces of classical musical works and provide functions such as NFT creation, trading and auction, etc. On KOLO, users can discover and maximize the value of NFT. The platform also provides NFT application scenarios for the future metaverse.

KOLO is considered to be the first NFT platform in the world that connects to classical musical works. Users could share, collect, and purchase NFT on KOLO. At the same time, users could support their favorite artists and favorite works financially by sharing the copyright revenue. Artists and labels could publish their work on KOLO and make secondary sales to take advantage of the benefits.

In technical terms, KOLO offers smart contracts on several public chains that form a Layer2 network to ensure that all NFTs support cross-chain circulation. On KOLO, the information and the audio files of the works are recorded in several blockchain networks in order to ensure eternal storage.

In addition, KOLO creates a whole new market for classical music. After an NFT is minted, the publisher has the option to sell it in many different ways, z means he / she has made the profit made by sharing the NFT in the metaverse and he / she can also have a certain amount require benefits to people who want to hear it. In general, KOLO maximizes the role of NFT with its own characteristics and advantages, creates a better ecosystem for classical music, and contributes to the prosperity and development of the NFT market.

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Discord: https://discord.com/invite/NRPERKHU

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