1Sol.io was developed as a cross-chain DEX aggregator especially for Solana ,.Born to combine DeFi and CeFi liquidity (swap, order book, DEX, OTC, etc.) for multi-chain. It uses a peer-to-peer network to share orders, retrieve data and route orders efficiently across all available sources of liquidity.

1Sol is able to find the most cost effective route between different DEXs. By optimizing slippage, swapping fees and token prices, and automatically executing trade orders, it helps users trade potentially more profitably.

1Sol is more efficient than any manual review and enables complex trade routes and paths with lower gas charges for Solana. use 1Sol smart calculator Based on the improved Dijkstra algorithm, the best swapping path among several swaps, DeFi / CeFi and OTC markets is mapped.

Solana, Ethereum’s biggest competitor, supports several decentralized financial operations that allow users to exchange tokens and other digital assets. Solana benefits include high speed, low cost, and censorship resistance, which provides more opportunities for trading operations.

Solana recently (as of September 7, 2021) became the seventh largest cryptocurrency in the world. The need for a DEX aggregator on the Solana blockchain will grow exponentially along with the Solana DEX trading volume. Hence, a cross-chain DEX / DeFi aggregator will bring great benefits to the thriving Solana ecosystem.

1Sol.io aims to serve as the first trading portal for trading on Solana by ensuring a seamless, efficient and safe trading experience. Each user receives a complete package of pricing, slippage, and cost information for all DEXs to determine the most cost-effective deal based on cross-chain aggregation.

1Sol builds on the development work of previous DEXs and aggregators and uses a new multi-chain network architecture to bundle liquidity. Solana has the fastest transaction speed, which gives 1 Sol its natural advantage as a cross-chain DEX aggregator. 1Sol acquires swap rates from DEXs on the fastest blockchain and trades DEXs on the slowest blockchain.

1Sol uses intelligent algorithms, enables users to trade across different blockchain ecosystems, offers more liquidity, asset diversity, trading volume and expands the available market to the decentralized financial space.

The native token of the 1Sol protocol is 1SOL, which will be distributed to Ethereum in the first phase. After the main network on Solana has started, the bridge between Ethereum and Solana will activate its cross-chain function in the near future.

The 1SOL utility token will incentivize participation in governance, secure funds for ecosystem development, and advocate security by meeting network requirements. And participation in cross-chain liquidity protocol governance is very rewarding.

  • Agriculture: 1Sol token liquidity pools and yield farming functions
  • Discount: Declining transaction fee and cross-chain loss
  • Guide: Vote on the merging or termination of swaps and markets

By combining the part splitting and path finding algorithms, 1SOL can save users a lot of money. 1Sol shares the savings with the users, the exact percentage and the distribution scheme are determined by the 1SOL token holders through voting.

1Sol.io is currently on the main network with a community of 180,000 members. Starting with aggregating the top Solana DeFi projects (Raydium, Serum, Saber and Orca aggregated), 1Sol aims to be the fastest and most comprehensive DeFi aggregator on the market.

Early supporters of the 1Sol protocol include Solana Capital, NGC Ventures, Axia8 Ventures, Bitscale Capital, etc.


2021 Q3: Introduction of DEX-Aggregator MVP in the test network and on the official website;

2021 Q4: start of the main network, integration with top swaps, provision of cross-chain aggregators on ETH, Polkadot etc .;

2022 Q1: Expansion to multi-swaps, upgrade to v2 algorithm, cross-chain liquidity & bridge.

[Website] https://1sol.io

[Deck] https://file.1sol.io/static/1Sol%20Protocol%20Pitch%20Deck%20v0.7.pdf

[GitHub] https://github.com/1sol-io

[Twitter] https://twitter.com/1solProtokoll

[Telegram] http://t.me/onesolcommunity

[Metrics] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10R76J2OLJTiEZ3KCqYgBxvi1R_dllBAF-ackUvi9AWw/edit#gid=75981898

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