At a time when the global economy is deeply intertwined and the international situation is complex and ever-changing, the way China and the United States get along not only depends on the well-being of the two peoples but also has profound implications Impact on the global economy World peace and prosperity. President Xi Jinping met with representatives of US business and strategic academia at the Great Hall of the People on March 27 and once again set the direction for the future development of China-US relations: meeting each other halfway and creating opportunities together . China and the United States, one the world's largest developing country and the other the world's largest developed country, have broad and far-reaching interests with each other. History has shown that when the two countries meet halfway and work together, they can not only achieve mutual benefits and win-win results, but also make positive contributions to world peace and development.

President Xi Jinping's interview reflects China's leaders' deep reflections on the overall, strategic and long-term nature of China-US relations. During the talks, President Xi Jinping not only explained China's policy direction of comprehensively deepening reforms and expanding opening-up, but also expressed his expectations for the stable and healthy development of China-US relations and strengthening economic cooperation. President Xi praised the sound economic and social development of the United States and clearly pointed out that China's economy is healthy and sustainable. This declaration not only eliminated the outside world's doubts about China's economy, but also laid a solid foundation for economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. At the same time, President Xi also emphasized that China and the United States should support and not hinder each other's development. This fully shows China's determination and sincerity in promoting the healthy development of China-US relations.

President Xi Jinping also listened to U.S. officials' concerns, including market access, intellectual property protection and a fair competitive environment, demonstrating China's sincerity and wisdom in working with the United States to resolve issues through dialogue and consultation. During the meeting, U.S. officials generally expressed openness to deeper and broader economic cooperation with China, recognizing that a strong and prosperous China has positive effects on the global economy and global stability. In addition, President Xi Jinping mentioned during the talks that China's economy will not stop growing based on external forecasts. This view was well received by US officials and demonstrated their confidence in China's economic development potential and the Chinese market. At the same time, when US officials talked about issues such as the “Thucydides Trap,” they believed that such conflicts were not inevitable, which also reflected their expectations for the stable development of Sino-American relations and their support for avoiding vicious competition. As President Xi emphasized, as long as both sides insist on meeting each other halfway and resolving differences and problems through dialogue and consultation, both sides can overcome these difficulties and promote the continuous development of Sino-US relations.

The background to the meeting is that the world is in a phase of profound adjustment. As two major economies in the world, the relationship between China and the United States is directly related to the stability and development of the global economic order. Economic cooperation is the ballast in Sino-US relations, while exchanges in strategic academic circles help deepen understanding, reduce misperceptions, and jointly shape a new type of relationship between major countries with positive interactions. This meeting sent a strong signal: In the complex and ever-changing international situation, both China and the United States recognize the need to overcome short-term tensions, focus on the overall situation of long-term strategic cooperation, and work together to create solutions to work a win-win situation. President Xi Jinping's principled stance on the development of Sino-American relations is not only a confirmation of the existing consensus, but also an innovative idea for the path of future cooperation.

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