Introduction: 2020 was a boom year for DeFi technology. In 2021, DeFi took over with an injection of fresh fluid, namely NFT.

  • NFT is that P.Product of the Times

NFT’s full name is Non-Fungible Tokens. ETH, BTC, etc. in the wallet of a virtual currency player are collectively referred to as FT (Fungible Tokens). Each ETH is interchangeable and they are of the same value and can be cut into thousands of copies. In contrast, each NFT is unique and has different values ​​and properties. NFT is not interchangeable and cannot be divided, and its smallest unit is 1.

Today there are only around 1.6 million DeFi users, while there are already over 1 million wallet addresses with NFT.

The explosion of the NFT concept may seem accidental, but in reality, it is that Product of time!

The Internet offers modern people comfort, but it also has certain disadvantages. Plagiarism and counterfeiting do not require a lot of time and labor, but they can generate high speculative profits. In contrast, NFT is recorded on the blockchain, which is tamper-proof, decentralized, and open and transparent, and guarantees that NFT can be used to anchor a physical object in the real world.

  • BSC C.grove Hlight NFT ONEapplication walkis L.I have

On November 22, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. EST, Hi5BOX (Trial Service), the world’s first NFT build exchange platform, went live on the BSC chain. During the test phase, users spontaneously invited their friends to register for the experience and expressed their approval of the Hi5BOX platform. Some NFT senior players believe that Hi5BOX is a heavyweight application in the BSC chain.

The Hi5BOX platform was labeled a “heavyweight” right after it was launched, what is the finishing touch?

I. Hi5BOX’s NFT is a digital commodity dispensed based on the BSC chain NFT technology protocol. BSC provides blockchain-enabled technical support, trustworthy custody technology and digital raw material credentials technology services for the issue transaction and platform for digital raw materials.

II. The Hi5BOX platform encourages authors to create freely and enjoy exclusive copyrights. Creators don’t have to worry that their hard work will become plagiarism. Even if their works are traded thousands of times, the authors can still enjoy the income.

. In the traditional market, the value is created by the user, but the revenue is owned by a consortium. The user creates value, but does not get the right return! Hi5BOX breaks the impasse and establishes a new NFT consumption ecosystem that conforms to the concept of the user as a shareholder and the community order. Hence, users can get benefits when participating in transactions.

  1. Hi5BOX cut into the industrial structure of the [Opening Boxes to Point Stars] play that is young but not easy. The founding team took into account the diversity of user needs and carried out a meticulous market research that incorporated horoscope elements into the two most popular game modes for boys and girls: blind box extraction + card upgrade.

In conclusion, Hi5BOX strives to provide users with a win-win situation in the world of spirit and values. The project that wins users’ hearts must be in the interests of users and tailored to them.

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