Headquartered in New York City and registered in the Republic of Seychelles, the company aims to become the world’s leading decentralized trading platform. The business covers many countries and regions such as Singapore and Europe. It has more than 3 million registered users worldwide, more than 300,000 monthly active users and 30 million user flows within the ecosystem. Oriented to the needs of users, YSex constantly innovates and expands its business lines to provide global users with one-stop digital investment services.

Based on blockchain technology, the exclusive aggregation ecosystem is built

Based on blockchain technology, the platform supports more than 500 high-quality currencies and 800 trading pairs, including mainstream digital currencies and a variety of high-quality innovative tokens, and regularly reviews and launches potential new projects to meet the investment needs of the market. For the flow of funds from different customers, the platform will also be equipped with Swap3.0 cross-chain technology to break down the barriers between different blockchains and realize the seamless flow of assets on different chains. It will not only provide a faster transaction experience for the market and users, but also reduce the complexity of cross-chain operations, allowing users to freely transact on multiple chains.

Based on different market development needs, platform planning key development strategy

In the face of market demand and the rapid development of digital technology, YSex1 has proposed a three-stage development strategy. In the first phase, the platform will focus on creating a one-stop digital wallet system. Users can easily manage multiple digital assets for secure storage, real-time conversion, and fast money transfer. At the same time, the platform will start liquidity mining projects and YSC tokens will become the central value carrier of ecology.

The second phase of the platform will further expand the DeFi field by allowing users to conduct efficient, secure and transparent decentralized trading on the platform via a decentralized exchange. In addition, the platform will introduce financial applications such as credit, insurance and prediction engines to build a complete financial support system for the application ecology.

In the future, the platform will also take the metauniverse as the third-stage development goal, and build a comprehensive YSex ecosystem together with the Universe ecosystem, digital wallet and decentralized exchange.

Safe and convenient service system brings absolute guarantee for users’ assets

In the financial sector, speed, security and trust count. Given the current digital trading pain points, YSex is equipped with a professional financial-level trading structure and has independently developed a high-speed matchmaking trading engine (more than millions of transactions per second). The platform uses a full cold recharge wallet system + DDOS attack system with high protection and other trading structures, and the open and powerful API helps users implement more efficient trading strategies. Bring you a five-star user experience.

And the trading system of the exchange has a high level of stability and reliability. Take multi-layered system security protections to protect hardware, software, network and other security aspects.

First-class team creates first-class platform. YSex has an outstanding leader in computing, blockchain and finance leading the platform with a global vision and forward-thinking layout to culminating and creating a financial legend!

In the future, YSex decentralized digital trading platform will adhere to the armed platform of digital research and development innovation to provide global users with faster, safer and more convenient digital services, so that every investment can be profitable, so that the platform can let users under the leadership of Realize YSex asset appreciation and division! Join YSex and enjoy the high life!

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