Metaverse has become one of the hottest concepts in science and technology without a doubt. More precisely, the meta-universe is not a new concept, but rather the rebirth of a classic concept. It is real in time and virtual in space. It is parallel to the real world in both dimensions of time and space.

As Meta Universe grows in popularity, more and more companies want to join the pie, and a number of Meta Universe companies and Meta Universe concept stocks have sprung up in succession. Many well-known companies, including Tencent, ByteDance, Facebook, Tesla, etc., have already used the meta-universe.

How do I design the meta-universe? You need such a platform metaverseLinker.

MetaverseLinker is the world’s leading decentralized aggregation system for the virtual economy that integrates aggregated identity authentication, aggregated mining, aggregated transactions, and aggregated traffic. It can be used as the first high-energy platform for individuals, companies and teams to link Meta Universe.

This system is based on decentralized architecture and blockchain technology and builds the underlying DAPP infrastructure through innovative economic models and standard smart contract specifications and has set itself the goal of being a super traffic assembly point and value splitting aggregator in DAPP and other areas to become.

What is the MetaverseLinker? Why is there a MetaverseLinker?

MetaverseLinker can help everyone achieve the goal of participating in the world of Dapp applications and solve the problems of development difficulty, low efficiency and uncertainty that arise when linking to the meta-universe. In addition, derivative topics such as multi-chain support, consensus and equity sharing can also be guaranteed on the MetaverseLinker.

  1. Multiple chain Support: MetaverseLinker uses cross-chain technology based on public chains such as Ethereum, tronchain, Binance ecological chain BSC, Huobi ecological chain Heco and OKEx transaction chain OEC. The anonymous technical team provides the automation protocol of smart contracts for the global Meta-Universe Link application management system and provides a lower tier of the full Turing economic system.
  2. Consensus consensus and equity sharing: MetaverseLinker’s digital asset economic model achieves better consistency of interest: it helps developers capitalize on the content they produce so that they can continue to gain advantages in the use, management and transaction of assets and provide a convenient and decentralized sales channel for DAPP applications ; The data and consumption generated by the time and energy of all participants can be turned into digital assets that are securely stored and shared, and they have the rights to manage and market them.

MetaverseLinker uses blockchain technology to improve the DAPP experience in six ways:

  1. Data can be trusted;
  2. Confirmation of digital assets;
  3. The Real Role of Blockchain Digital Assets in Applications;
  4. The block Das Chain Ledger realizes inheritance and permanent recording in the application process;
  5. Security protection;
  6. Access to media nodes.

What is the goal of MetaVersLinker?

From a technical point of view, the ultimate goal of MetaverseLinker is to have the linked Dapp run on the entire chain, with all of the logical codes of the Dapp running in the chain environment and using the decentralized blockchain network to transmit and store data. In this scenario, a reliable, efficient and lag-free running container is synchronized with a lightweight node for the operation of DAPP in the metachain.

overview MetaverseLinkerMilestone development plan

2019/12: Preparations

The MetaverseLinker startup team are all senior Israeli blockchain R&D programmers. You will have the full skills, knowledge and industry experience required for the project (including developing blockchain technology, engines and IDEs, operating the developer community, producing and selling blockchain applications, operating the entertainment community, financial market mechanisms, asset pricing, operations multinational companies). The main sponsor of the project has entrepreneurial experience in two economic cycles. It has an extensive business network and reputation in global information technology entrepreneurship and meta-universe link applications (such as games), as well as the decision-making power, execution experience and industry resources to build a green platform. After completing the build of the original team, we started recruiting developers and operations staff in various blockchain communities around the world. Complete technical research on distributed ledgers, consensus mechanisms, smart contracts and cryptography. At the same time, the first establishment of the global metachain community was initiated.

2021 / 11-2022 / 06: MetaverseLinker and various application examples for internal tests

The metaverselinker technical team has now completed the technical preparatory work, launched the metaverselinker internal test version and brought the game application example “ML’S Star Card” onto the market. We will continue to develop ML’S OTC financial use cases, ML’S Social use cases, ML’S Blind Box NFT use cases, and other landing use cases.

2021 / 12-2022 / 02: Airdrop and project fundraising

Users take part in internal tests of various MetaverseLinker applications, give away MetaverseLinker Coins (hereinafter referred to as MLC), solicit suggestions from MetaverseLinker ecosystem partners to enrich the profit rules, and after confirming to write in the smart contract, the MetaverseLinker project will implement the MLC discount in stages.

2022/03: MLC launched for pledge mining

  1. Online staking of MLC to mine MLC;
  2. Online staking of HT and other currencies to mine MLC to increase the number of currency addresses of MLC users.

2022/04 :Start of the board

The board of directors will allocate the funds of the entire prize pool like dividends, MLC buyback, burning rewards, etc. When the board’s funds reach the fellowship’s available threshold, the board is opened. Funds will be used according to the established ratio and rules, and the board will contribute more than the donation price to repurchase part of the MLC.

2022/05 :DAO is online

Control of the MetaverseLinker project is given to the community and executed by the code. The board of directors’ funding allocation, mining pool output allocation and environmental rewards rule setting are all done through the vote of MLC token holders.

2022/06: Open ecology

Add a liquidity pool, open up the entire ecosystem and deploy a variety of functional suites that allow external DAPP developers to share traffic through the Metachain platform and provide ecological fund support for high value projects.

MetaverseLinker is not an idealized concept. We have completed the test of the first DAPP application game “ML’S StarCards” and will soon be published as the first blockchain guessing game of the Metachain project.

《MLs StarCards》 The rules of the game are as follows:

  1. By paying tokens to buy constellation cards, you can get some native MLC tokens for free when you receive the cards. Of course, as the value of MLC increases, the player’s income will increase.
  2. Maps are generated in 88 constellations through the trustworthy random process of smart contracts. Place on the table after purchase and form a queue with the previous constellation cards. If cards with the same constellation are already in front of the queue when placing the card, then two players with the same card receive the income of all cards in the same constellation, and the former receives 30% gain, the latter 70%.
  3. If, at the start of the game, no one picks up the card within a certain amount of time (e.g. room, and the game is over.
  4. Reduced prices for the first 8 constellation cards in each game round.

In order to establish the connection between MetaverseLinker and Meta Universe, the implementation of Metaverse is constantly being promoted. The lack of technology is no longer a “stumbling block” and MetaverseLinker is the most convenient new channel to the meta-universe.

Official website:

Official Twitter : @MetaverseLinker

Official telegram:

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