Reporter: Buyu Chen

Art education has constantly changed and evolved with the advancement of technology and societal development. However, there are still some problems and shortcomings in the traditional methods of art education.

First, the traditional evaluation methods for art education are not precise enough. The traditional assessment methods in art education mainly rely on teachers’ experience and students’ exam results, which is neither accurate nor helpful for students to master artistic knowledge and skills. Second, traditional art education management is lagging behind, which mainly relies on manual management, so is not efficient and cannot convey accurate information. Finally, traditional arts education suffers from a lack of personalized and concise learning suggestions and instructional guides. The traditional methods of arts education are mainly based on the subjective judgment and experience of teachers, due to their lack of understanding of students’ personal needs and lack of precise teaching.

In response to the above three problems, Ms. Lijun Ni, an art education expert in China, has decided to focus on new artificial intelligence technologies as her research direction. After years of repeated experimentation and improvement, she finally developed the original intellectual property achievement “A Cloud Platform for Intelligently Analyzing Art Learning Outcome V1.0”.

A Cloud Platform for Intelligently Analyzing Art Learning Outcome V1.0 is an advanced, original intellectual property achievement that uses artificial intelligence to analyze and evaluate students’ artistic learning outcomes. This platform adopts distributed system architecture and uses cloud computing technology to achieve data storage and processing. Students’ art learning data is stored in the cloud and intelligently analyzed there by machine learning and deep learning algorithms, which allows their art learning results to be evaluated. The platform also has data security and privacy features to ensure the security, confidentiality and integrity of student data.

Compared to traditional art analysis and appraisal methods, this platform has clear comparative characteristics. First, the platform can monitor students’ learning situation in real time, analyze their learning outcomes and progress, and provide students with personalized learning suggestions. Second, the platform can identify students’ learning difficulties in time and provide students with targeted guidance and support. Finally, the platform can also develop personalized learning plans for students based on their learning history and outcome, improving their learning efficiency and outcomes. This platform not only provides students with a more scientific and efficient learning assessment method, but also helps them to better master art knowledge and skills. In addition, it provides more precise and scholarly instructional guidance for teachers, promotes their professional development and improves the quality of teaching. The original intellectual property achievement, “A Cloud Platform for Intelligently Analyzing Art Learning Outcome V1.0”, provides a more efficient and intelligent management tool for art education, and promotes the modernization and intelligent development of the industry.

Art education scholars and experts said that Lijun Ni’s achievement provided a more scientific and efficient art education assessment method, solved the problem of the traditional art education assessment methods not being accurate enough, and helped students better master their art knowledge and improve skills. Second, this achievement provides a more efficient and intelligent arts education management tool by achieving intelligent management of information about students, teachers, courses and grades. It also improves the work efficiency and management level of the industry. The key point is that this achievement provides students with more personalized and precise learning suggestions, which can better meet their needs and improve their learning efficiency and outcomes. It can be said that the original intellectual property achievement “A Cloud Platform for Intelligently Analyzing Art Learning Outcome V1.0” has made an important contribution to art education, making up for a number of shortcomings in traditional art education and providing important support to the intelligent development of the industry.

As an authoritative expert in art education, Lijun Ni not only has “An Art Learning Outcomes Intelligent Analysis Cloud Platform V1.0”, but also has two other intellectual property achievements “Artificial Intelligence Based Art Creative Development System V1.0”. and DL Technology Based Art Appreciation System V1.0. She is the author of the following scholarly articles: Research on the Effectiveness of Printmaking Teaching in Art Education, Methods for Promoting the Deep Integration of Modern Comprehensive Printmaking and Information Technology, Teaching Strategies of Children’s Oil Styrofoam Printmaking Based on Traditional Cultural Experience, and Case Studies on the Presentation Methods of Traditional Printmaking at technological empowerment. Due to the above achievements, Lijun Ni was appointed visiting professor by the China Academy of Management Science.

Lijun Ni explained, “In recent years, with the continuous promotion of intelligent construction in art education, teaching methods have been constantly updated. Intelligent teaching has gradually become the key of the modern art education system because of its professionalism, systematization and high efficiency. However, the research and practice of intelligent education is a topic that must be deeply considered in the current and future development of education and also deserves attention from every educator in their thoughts and actions.”

Facing the development trend and tasks of the intelligent arts education era, Lijun Ni said she will continue to use the power of information technology to explore the direction of intelligent arts education, introduce understanding of difference, respect individuality, and embrace diversity in art promote education, and construct a teaching method that meets the needs of modern teaching, and then promote the intelligent development of art education in China.

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