
The concept of Metaverse and GameFi has been introduced into people’s lives and is gaining popularity all over the world. This new wave has also become the new focus for investors.

GameFi has brought us into a new and fair business model. With the support of NFT, it enables players to have full ownership of every virtual property they hold. This helps to solve the trust problem between developers and gamers and to encourage continuous growth towards the business model within the gaming industry. GameFi has changed the distribution system within multiple players in live games. NFT establishes a shared value network to ensure that all parties’ ownership of virtual assets is determined based on the simultaneous NFT value.

In addition to being satisfied with the forms of entertainment, players can now also earn high quality NFT items and tokens in-game through the time spent on them or bonuses. With the constant improvements of the trading network, the value of each of these tokens is recognized and corresponds to the currency received. Simply put, Decentralized Financial (DeFi) products are presented in games and their values ​​are derived from NFTs, which makes the concept of GameFi very attractive to the market.

GameFi: Play to Earn

Currently, the main game genres are role-playing, sandbox, action, and multiplayer games. Compared to previous gaming business models, GameFi has received greater interest from its users as it allows them to achieve greater interaction, experience, and immersion with their users. Many games use NFT for tasks within gameplay, such as: It is also used to initiate battles and participate in them, complete tasks and allow their users to make money playing these games.

P2E is currently the biggest highlight of Gamefi’s project: ‘Play-to-Earn’. It is revolutionary compared to our traditional game models “Deposit to Play” and “Free to Play”. Players can now progress, level up and fight in games, not only enjoying the gameplay, but also selling their collected tokens, equipment, props and other NFT assets in the trading market for a source of income.

Whether Axie Infinity or other GameFi projects, the current games available on the market only offer one platform to get blockchain tokens into circulation. However, they still lack the emotional response that many users unconsciously seek. The current blockchain developments in the gaming industry can only satisfy users through the advantages of tools within the game, but these only cover the surface of the possibilities. There’s still a lot of room for improvement at GameFi, and that’s where Deesse comes in.

3D animation on GameFi

Deesse is a 3D card placement game that focuses on collecting and cultivating. It portrays a world in which various mythological characters travel to the protagonist (player) and experience an adventure with him. Within the game, players can find their favorite characters and experience their unique skills and progress with them. They can also encourage interaction with their characters and unlock new adventures in the leisure game.

Roll adjustment

Deesse main characters are drawn randomly from a deck of cards. Players can summon goddesses of various qualities through methods such as “simple summoning” and “summoning friendships”, or collect goddess fragments to summon the corresponding character. The goddesses are based on 3 mythologies that are always in contradiction – Japanese, Greek and Nordic mythology with 4 professions – warrior, magician, archer and assistant.

Style of play

Their gameplay involves the activities of the cards that are drawn to make breakthroughs with mainly 2 forms of combat – PVE and PVP. Before the battle, players can set up and get up to 6 goddesses to join the game, and each of their card qualities is not the same. Each card represents different levels through its design and offers space for progress for subsequent entries or exchange by other characters.

Each of these goddesses can improve their skills through level up, advancement, equipment accessories, matching special skills and more to achieve progressive gameplay and unlock new levels. As each character levels up, new skills and character skins are unlocked. These character skins will be limited to make them a rare commodity that can still be traded online, adding variety to the gameplay and adding to the value of the game.

Not only is Deesse made up of in-game NFT tokens and gear, these can also be upgraded to increase their rarity and be a source of new content for gamers in this virtual world. This will help ensure a healthy ecosystem within the game and allow players to benefit from it.

In the next few months Deessee will bring its first version onto the market and invite active users in the community to take part in the game tests. Players are allowed to post their experiences with videos and photos. According to the whitepaper, the official start is expected to take place in the 4th quarter of 2022.


‘Deesse’ was created by a team that has consisted of the best game developers in Japan for the past 3 years. Not only is the game based on a P2E model, it is also designed with a universal theme to reach global users and a two-dimensional style very much preferred by Generation Z. All of the characters are game focused, which makes them very different from others who tend to build their characters similarly, which gives them another edge to start a new wave in the current market.

Beyond GameFi

Generative art with AI + blockchain

The anime industry is in a very labor intensive work environment and it also takes a long time to create beautiful CG paintings in the game. Using the world’s advanced technology, the team will continue to transform and accelerate the development of the Japanese content industry, and provide drawing illustrations in a more creative and open environment. In the AI ​​field, numerous companies are looking to use the latest deep learning technology to generate anime models with high resolution, high resolution and a wide variety of images. The team will work with a team of AI experts who have years of experience and are able to train a 22b parameter GPT model and a state-of-the-art GAN model on site. Also, for the first time in human history, blockchain technology offers an open, permissionless and scalable network through all artists, collectors, curators and developers in this room, and a randomly generated version of the content / NFT may be created by an algorithm.

Brick and mortar shops

There are plans to open offline VR experience stores worldwide once the game Deesse reaches a certain number of users. This allows players to redeem and customize their goddesses offline with their received tokens to make them feel like they are meeting their virtual goddesses, much like in real life, like in a relationship – meeting them, shopping and living in the Enjoy the future of the Metaverse world.

Economic influences

The emergence of Metaverse is a response to the evolution of human society. With the development of today’s world, the GDP growth of many countries including China is slowing down. So how can we achieve further economic growth? Where does growth come from? Where do demand and supply come from?

We are clearly seeing slower demand growth, which is having an impact on the real world. The catchphrase “lying flat”, for example, was invented in China in recent years. It basically means doing what is absolutely necessary to make ends meet and not striving for anything other than what is absolutely necessary for your own survival. It represents the mindset of lying down rather than being a productive member of society. Instead of studying hard, buying a home, or even raising a family, some part of society rejects anything for the sake of lying flat. The ethos has resonated with much of the young and disaffected Chinese workforce, who have been particularly hard hit by the country’s economic slowdown, trade tensions with the West and the coronavirus pandemic.

This is not an answer to any particular social norm, but to a highly developed, technology-based society. The slow demand will become more important with the rapid development of artificial intelligence. AI will transform employment in ways that most people don’t know much about right now but will see for decades to come. Artificial intelligence is changing the social employment structure differently than the industrial revolution. The great machines of the industrial revolution replaced the repetitive mechanical work of ordinary labor, while artificial intelligence replaced white-collar workers and intellectuals. This segment of the population is now the mainstream middle class in society. There is no good way to compensate for this substitution. Even if the state actively guarantees a universal basic income or various subsidy proposals, it is still not enough to change the feeling of dignity, meaning, existence and value that people acquire through work or building. The silver lining are the opportunities from the further integration of the digital and physical world.

Here is a true story. While the unemployment rate in the Philippines was up to 40% and many people lost their jobs during the COVID-19 lockdown last year, play to earn has gradually become a way of making a living for local gamblers. This makes the Philippines the place where the YGG guild has officially grown.

YGG often chooses rural communities in Southeast Asia, where job opportunities are limited, but the internet is widespread and income from gambling can reach as high as two to three times the local minimum wage. Players in the Philippines have made a lot of money with Axie Infinity by earning tokens, while the guild can help various games increase the number of users. A YGG documentary shows how the people in Cabanavantan, the Philippines, actually improved their lives through GameFi.

YGG has clearly drawn on the experience in the Philippines and officially launched YGG Thailand on July 6th. Thailand is in part very similar to the Philippines in terms of market environment, industrial production and epidemic prevention. YGG could bring a larger number of trained players to the online gaming market.

As the traditional concept of the guild moves vertically into the blockchain space, many new changes happen.

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