Recently, REVA 2022 summer NFT special auction was successfully completed holding by UK EARL INTERNATIONAL AUCTION LTD. The transaction data makes all the people see that even if COVID-19 has not stopped, the international situation is still turbulent, the global economy has not fully recovered, and the possibility of the NFT market is still far beyond people’s expectations.

It is precisely such a VIP invitation auction of REVA that the senior management of the College of art at The Courtauld Institute of Art, as the art partner of UK EARL INTERNATIONAL AUCTION LTD, was invited to contact the NFT pledge and auction business of REVA in a closer shape and distance.

The Courtauld Institute of Art, which is actively promoting the development of the college’s art works and its gallery collections to the NFT field, is one of the world’s leading colleges integrating teaching and research in the art history and collection neighborhood. It was awarded the grade of 5 * in the latest research and evaluation activities, and possesses strong faculty, many famous professors and senior lecturers.

The Courtauld Institute of Art is one of the major schools in the world that carry out research on the history and restoration of art and architecture. Among them, the gallery of the school is listed as the most popular collection gallery in Britain and one of the most important collection galleries in Britain. The Courtauld Art Gallery collects the world’s famous art works to collect many painting masters, Impressionist painters and post Impressionist oil paintings, sculptures It is famous for its printing and decorative art works.

Deborah Swallow, a high-level official of The Courtauld lnstitute of Art, who met REVA at UK EARL INTERNATIONAL AUCTION LTD this time, said: “The very magical NFT auction business integrates art collections, traditional auctions and NFT to create higher value. It no longer discusses and limits the artistic value with fixed thinking such as time and reputation, but gives full play to the NFT characteristics and reflects the value, and gives more possibilities to the value in the auction.”

Building traditional art works and art collections into NFT is the ongoing digital promotion of many art institutions and art colleges, which is closely connected with the development of the times and explores more possibilities of art.

If REVA can reach a cooperation with The Courtauld lnstitute of Art, it will undoubtedly be a passion collision of NFT collection art, and will also enable the two sides to reach a strategic layout on the NFT project.

At that time, The Courtauld Institute of Art may provide REVA with more collection works, and provide REVA with more professional experts in the art field within the academy to add color to REVA’s art evaluation team and provide more professional evaluation credibility. REVA will send an invitation for cooperation to The Courtauld Institute of Art, provide digital technology, and open NFT pledge, NFT trust, NFT auction and other in-depth business cooperation modes.

It is reported that REVA is in friendly talks with The Courtauld Institute of Art. According to the discussion center on the cooperation direction of art co-creation, art progress, art value, NFT collection, digital economy development, etc., REVA plans to sign a preliminary cooperation intention, and may jointly create a special autumn NFT auction with REVA, which is very exciting.

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