Lately, the popularity of Magic Metaverse Games is evident to everyone. Since the game’s upcoming global beta was officially announced on December 1, nearly 100,000 accounts have entered the game’s beta, and that data continues to grow. This new power of the chain tour, which is very popular at home and abroad, is growing rapidly. As more and more players participate in the public beta, magic yuan world also hosted two AMA sessions in the Chinese community with very high participation. It is reported that this phase of the AMA will open at 8 p.m. on December 13th. There will be “big moves” in the Magic Metaverse, and this heavy news will appear in the Chinese community in the third phase of AMA.

The sharing guest of the Phase III AMA is still Bo LIN, the Chief Operation Consultant in China. His speech is stable and powerful, without losing humor and liveliness, which is deeply respected by all players. At the same time, Bo LIN is a big fan in the field of chain games. He’s played almost all of the popular chain games. His own return on investment in the chain games space is more than 100x and he is also one of the most influential players in the space.

The content of AMA at this time is extremely rich

It is reported that the content that he was invited to share in the Chinese community was very extensive. Not only would he share the Magic Metaverse’s capacity expansion plan, read MET’s economic model and value outlook, but he would also announce in advance the 2 products in the “Magic” range that Regis will bring to market , as well as the advantages of entering the big market, big capital and big institutions. The content is absolutely rich in gold and we recommend you not to miss it.

What is the unique charm of Pointc metaverse?

Magic Yuan World is a large-scale ARPG game with an epic 3D version of the magic exploration RPG that integrates elements such as “Mining, Pledge, Combat, DeFi, NFT, DAO” developed by REGIS NET LIMITED, a Singapore-based gaming company. Currently it has passed Certik security audit and CMC / CG and was also promoted by BSC News, the official money security media, and received a total of $ 10 million investment from Sfermion Capital and Kingsway Capital. It also attracted the participation and support of a number of actors in Harry Porter. Currently, MAC is also online on the Coinup and HOO exchanges and recently officially joined the old LBank exchange. In addition, the MET generated by the gold mining is also online on Coinup.

If a game is looking to evolve over the long term, it should not only have playability, but also consider the return on investment. The Magic Metaverse has exquisite production and a perfect economic model that can be said to have full game to deserve. Currently, many professional teams have entered the field to participate in the global public beta of the [Magic Metaverse].

Enjoy twice fluently and add 8 lines to the game

December 8th, [Magic Metaverse] announced on official Twitter that it has completed the multiline scheme and opened a total of 4 lines, each of which can only accommodate 1,500 people. Although the multiline scheme is said to improve the gaming experience, the official obviously underestimated the popularity of [Magic Metaverse]. It’s been less than a day since the update was released, and the 4th Even the newly updated lines were crowded, reflecting the high popularity of. explained [Magic Metaverse]what is unimaginable.

Fortunately, however, the officer paid great attention to this issue. On the same day, “Adding 4 more routes” was posted on Twitter and players have 8 routes to choose from. In other words, up to 1,2000 players can currently participate in the game’s beta at the same time. It is conceivable that the game was so popular during the game’s beta and that the game will be officially released.

mAC The market value can rise again and turn into a gold chain tour at the phenomenal level

First of all, performance cannot catch up with consumption at this stage. Because more than 500,000 MACs were consumed in the Mystery Box phase and a large number of MACS must be consumed in order to participate in the public test of the game. According to the latest official data statistics, it is conservatively estimated that more than 8,000 people have been consumed, i.e. a group of players are entering the market, which is expected to increase the MAC market value again.

Second is the playability and the revenue from [Magic Metaverse] is very high. It can be seen that many professional gamers have joined and the daily growth of users is exponential. From the perspective of the overall strength is the current one [Magic Metaverse] is very likely to become a phenomenal gold chain tour which can be described as a very popular big chain tour. It offers more imagination than the existing People’s Chain Tour, and its future value is immeasurable.

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