As a type of behavior that can make people forever interesting, it pulls through people’s lives regardless of age from birth; The happiness that games bring to people is indistinguishable from the novel experience that cannot be achieved in reality. The temptation that no one can resist;

Games are the only behavior that people actively pursue at all times, regardless of region, time, and crowd, after people have met their basic living conditions; so that some people say life is like a game because everyone experiences happiness and explores the unknown, the realization of will and the loving life, and this is the main reason why the game makes people incapable of self-control to free. Therefore, more scholars believe that with the advancement of human civilization, after the basic survival needs of mankind are realized, the game industry with the concept of the meta-universe will be the greatest industry and demand of mankind in the future.

With the games industry evolving from the Internet for decades, it is increasingly becoming apparent that there are several major bottlenecks in the development of current online games. The first is that players invest a lot of time and energy into a game, but the game company can change the player’s assets and equipment at will. This centralized governance model is increasingly criticized by the population; second is the accumulation of players in the game. Wealth is difficult to validate digitally and cannot really be exchanged for real wealth. It also makes the game less and less immersive. In addition, the game data is in the hands of the game company. Once the game company goes bankrupt due to business problems, players will work hard to build the game world. The game world has also disappeared, which often scares players.

The blockchain technology developed from Bitcoin is more and more mature after more than ten years of development and is recognized by mainstream technology circles. The decentralized governance, the distributed data storage and the confirmation of the digital NFT assets represented by the blockchain solve the three main problems that arise in the development of traditional online games practically perfectly. As a result, games based on blockchain technology have gradually been recognized by people and have become the basic elements of the currently popular Metaverse concept. And because the development of the blockchain is being driven by a decentralized community, various public chain projects such as Ethereum, Binance and Solana have emerged. However, blockchain games developed on the basis of different public chain technology standards have problems that the exchange of game assets and transactions of game items cannot realize. These kind of different public chain games cannot be linked together and the closed situation has gradually become a huge industry bottleneck for the development of current blockchain games.

Game Hub is the world’s first to use cross-chain mapping technology to focus on providing game token exchanges for blockchain games issued by various public chains and a decentralized integrated service platform for chain games who matched and traded game props was born. Game Hub specializes in providing three main services for blockchain games: 1. For different games developed on the basis of different public blockchain chains, realization of cross-chain mapping services for digital game assets between different public ones Chains. 2. Providing decentralized, efficient exchange and exchange services for game tokens issued for various blockchain games. 3. Provide decentralized matching transaction services for NFT games issued by different blockchain games.

The Game Hub team took the lead in developing the GH cross-chain protocol because of its outstanding technical strength. Through the original multi-scenario asset cross-chain, one-click encapsulation, the cross-chain operation of the user’s game asset is combined in two steps, so that ordinary users do not have the intermediate process of asset cross-chain perceive and realize “Transfer is cross-chain and cross-chain is experience”. To realize the asset cross-chain transaction service status of the entire online chain game hub from Gamehub of “cross-chain synchronization, multi-chain connection, web chain as network and chain-to-chain access” .

Game Hub Token is known as GH. The first version is based on the constant spending of 60 million BSC public chains to generate community incentives, DAO governance and DEFI mining pool revenue. In detail, there are the following six application scenarios:

1. Used for Community Voting Governance: Game Hub adheres to the concept of community autonomy, holds GH and enjoys governance rights, and can participate in decisions related to platform development by voting.

2. Participate in DEFI mining: Holding GH can participate in the DEFI pledge mining service provided by the Game Hub platform and benefit from high value DEFI income.

3. Take advantage of platform income dividends: The Game Hub platform offers three main services: cross-chain mapping, token exchange, and in-game item trading. The platform yields achieved are regularly distributed with GH stocks as weight.

4. Designated tokens for platform NFT transactions: All NFT chain game props are traded on the Game Hub platform and must be traded with GH on the exchange.

5.Payment for cross-chain fuel for game tokens: In order for chain games from various public chains to implement safe and reliable asset cross-chain image services through the Game Hub platform, they must pay a fixed amount to GH as a cross Pay for chain fuel.

6. Achieving platform currency growth benefits: Game Hub is the world’s first decentralized chain game hub platform that offers cross-chain mapping, token exchange and item trading for blockchain games. Holding GH long term will take advantage of the platform’s market value growth. .

As the world’s first decentralized integrated service platform for chain games, Gamehub will certainly become the integrator of blockchain games in the future.

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