




The highly anticipated Connect Developers Conference, attended by tens of thousands of people from around the world, took place on October 29th this year as planned. According to Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder and CEO of Facebook, the company name will be changed to “Meta” and the share code from “FB” to “MVRS” from December 1st. ..

Surprisingly, the Metaverse Tuyere has become a major player in the chain game industry. The GameFi concept record has grown at a remarkable pace. The value of Axie’s token has grown in step with the popularity of the company’s popular chain games. Early market entrants profited amply so that the entire chain game market could be triggered at any time.

We have reason to believe that the development dynamics of the entire crypto market will come from the area of ​​chain games for a long time, as GameFi has meanwhile become an independent sector in the crypto market. They will often lose their independence without changing with the mainstream market. At the same time, the independent trend also means that GameFi is successful in a certain sense.

The abrupt end of the chain game market

From its former glory to the current market decline, the chain game industry cannot escape the cyclical curse of the crypto market. Look at Axie’s forced support, Bnx’s final attempt at baby’s brief fall and that’s the social dilemma. Popular chain game titles have collapsed practically overnight, with some getting dangerously close to zero., As a result, chain game popularity has plummeted on the internet search index, forcing players new and old to rethink whether GameFi is still worth it in the future .

The obstacle in the development of GameFi

  1. Chain players are a small group of people. Most chain games are still a bit rough with the “face” of the side games in the early years of the current game market, where mobile games come first. As a result, the number of players who have become accustomed to mobile games, such as mobile games, returning to the online site has continued to decline. Although games have helped lower the barriers to entry into the crypto space, ideas like bitcoin wallets and mnemonic remain mysterious and difficult to understand compared to traditional games.
  • Inadequate performance of major public transport systems. High transaction costs and traffic congestion Frequent transactions place higher demands on the network transaction speed TPS and gas prices due to the high performance requirements of the game. As a result, many players have given up Ethereum in search of better sidechains or public chains. The popularity of cryptokitties in 2017 resulted in severe congestion on Ethereum, and the relocation of Axie Infinity to Ethereum’s side chain demonstrated the need for public chain infrastructure for GameFi’s development.

  • The current progress is hampered by a lack of playability. The current GameFi is undeniably in an early stage of growth and has yet to break out of the “mine” game play of the DeFi era, although the mode has shifted from liquid mining to “game is mining”. When looking at the entire chain game industry, the majority of existing traditional games have shortcomings such as poor playability and simplified game mechanism settings. Despite the fact that a number of new chain games have appeared in the past few months, the gameplay remains consistent.

At the same time, when playing low quality games, players are more concerned about the price and less about the game itself. When an entertainment-oriented game turns into a money-oriented job, is it gamble to earn or earn to gamble? When an entertainment-oriented game turns into a money-oriented job, is it game to earn or earn to play? As a result, developers and gamers alike are focused on making money, and developer-made games are less engaging. If the game does not provide the player with sufficient income, the player moves to other projects with higher income; in other words, the game is for the player. There is no attachment.

Does GameFi still have potential?

Without a doubt, the answer is there! Despite the fact that there are still numerous issues in the GameFi industry that need to be improved and fixed as soon as possible, it is obvious that this is a promising path for the future. Layer 2 and sharding technology will help address the public chain infrastructure problem. The gaming experience is dramatically improving with the advancement of VR technology and the reality of brain computer networks. As an important portal in the Metaverse, GameFi will offer many possibilities for creativity in the future.

Chain game Market Breaker NFT Horse

If GameFi is to reach a higher level, in our opinion it should concentrate on increasing the quality of “Game” and at the same time offer a high degree of playability and a positive economic model in addition to the financial characteristics of value circulation. NFT-Horse met these requirements on time.

NFT-Horse is a massively multiplayer online blockchain game developed and managed by a community of professional game developers with hundreds of thousands of players worldwide. It gives players around the world access to a world of highly open interactive multiplayer games. In PVP games, players can experience unique and novel PartyFi gameplay, as well as customize and create advanced games using an expandable system. The well-known game studio Regame developed NFT-Horse. Regame has always been at the forefront of the current mobile game industry production team, with professional staff and a powerful blockchain technology team, as an experienced production team founded in 2016.

The goal of NFT-Horse is not just to develop a unicorn game. Your ultimate goal is to create a global chain game platform that connects all stakeholders in the chain game business (players, moderators, developers, media, accessory manufacturers, etc.). The reintegrated players will establish a new sustainable chain game ecology that incorporates games, user resources and peer-to-peer communication within the game and eventually becomes a future-oriented aspect. The basic platform of the universe.

How to play: NFT-Horse is a blockchain-based horse racing game. Players who take part in the fighting game in roguelike mode will receive digital money as a reward. You can also fight with other players in the arena, found guilds, etc.

Players are given a random NFT horse at the start of the game. In NFT-Horse, each horse of several breeds has its own characteristics and game mechanics. Each NFT horse has its own unique model divided into six segments based on body parts: head, eyes, face, tail, torso, and legs. First, players are given a random combination of 6 NFT horse parts. Each part affects the characteristics and fighting strength of NFT-many horses, while the other sections affect the growth of NFT attributes. The intrinsic conditions of the different NFT horses adapt to the different environments of the competition venues. By including HDL, players can improve their NFT horse.

Improve horse: Players can upgrade each horse part individually, giving each NFT horse a total of 11 upgrades. Level 1 upgrades of any component will increase the corresponding card and passive skill attributes, and users can pay a small amount of HDL to improve NFT strength. Horses

The components will be upgraded to level 2 to give the cards movement and special body shapes. (If you upgrade NFT-Horse to the highest level, you will get fantastic special effects and flash effects.)

There are three ways to play in NFT-Horse’s game mode:

——Consistent adventure (player versus man-machine)

Players manage their NFT horse in PVE mode to compete in different scenarios. Completion of the system task is considered a success. Players are likely to receive $ HDL awards for every successful round in Adventure Mode. You can also purchase valuable gifts such as $ HOS and the original NFT at the summit of Mare’s Milk Summit. In short, players can benefit from using their NFT horse to engage in various game modes by manipulating it with expert skills.

——Arena (player against player)

When players join the PVP arena, they can race their NFT horse against other players for HDL prize pool goodies if they win. (Prize pool: The PVP Arena prize pool is determined through betting by spectators.) Spectators place bets on their favorite races and horses. The final prize pool will be split between the winners and the correct bettors.)

—— Guild against guild

Station your NFT horse on your own territory and dispatch a team of formidable NFT horses to thwart the opponent’s plans. The player’s achievements during the event will be used to calculate and distribute rewards. The number of success points awarded depends on the game mode selected. The participants are divided into different levels based on their total number of points and rewarded at the end of the game.

Note that a minimum of 1 NFT horse is required for each battle in each mode!

PartyFi is a trademark of NFT-Horse and not only offers rich and varied game options. Viewers can use HDL to access the NFT trading hall to purchase PartyFi merchandise (such as traps, land softeners, fireworks, etc.). When the game starts, the use of props happens to affect the condition of the horses in the field and can affect the bottom line of the game.

Conclusion: GameFi has become one of the most promising segments in the industry. GameFi will attract more attention and engagement as the term meta-universe grows in popularity. Taking into account the breadth of the market and its financial advantages.

GameFi’s potential has not yet reached its full potential due to a lack of participation. After all, it’s only been a little over a year since GameFi was first proposed. With GameFi still in the early stages of development, future development and prospects are undeniably exciting.

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