Greetings to all beloved GameFi lovers,

Since the announcement of the “Metaverse concept” by the former Facebook founder Michael Zuckerberg a few months ago, the name Metaverse has started to get more attention every day!

In fact, many people have noticed that GameFi is not like the traditional “pay-to-play” concept, but more like the advanced “play-to-earn” concept.

To be honest, it’s all about the “timing” itself.

With many countries in the world having MCO (Movement Control Orders) and social distancing since early 2020 to date, the GameFi industry is booming and growing rapidly.

One of the most successful GameFi in Metaverse history – Axie Infinity shows that GameFi can really give high hopes and endless possibilities, especially for online gaming players!

If you miss the Axie Infinity train move, you have to give this new but potential GameFi a try.

Ladies and gentlemen (drum roll), please fold your hands and say hello to our rising star – World of Cryptoids!

You may be wondering, “Hmm, what’s so special about this world of cryptoids?”

Well, many may be familiar with the “Play-to-earn” concept, but World of Cryptoids would like to take this concept to another level – you are one of the few who are introducing the new “Sustainable Play-to-earn” or sP2E concept .

That being said, there are many more incredible perks and benefits in World of Cryptoids (we’ll talk more about them in the Business Plan shortly).


Before diving into the fantasy wonderland World of Cryptoids, you must first have a Metamask wallet (this is mandatory and you cannot skip this step).

If this is your first time entering the GameFi world, please follow the steps and register a metamask wallet (don’t worry, it’s as simple as ABC, just follow the required process and follow it step by step) .

Step 1: You need to create a metamask wallet

The purpose of the metamask wallet – it is for storing your digital assets including your cute cryptoids, tokens and BNB

PS: Please click on the following links and install the Metamask Wallet.

PC versions:

Google Chrome

Fire fox

Mobile versions:

Google play


Step 2: get your own cryptoids

To begin your adventure in World of Cryptoids, you need at least three cryptoids!

In this case you have to make a BNB deposit and buy the cryptoids from the “Official Cryptoids Marketplace”.

Simply log into your metamask account.

Remember to select “Binance Smart Chain” when logging into your metamask account, otherwise the following “wrong network” will be displayed incorrectly as shown below.

Once you have entered the marketplace, you can buy any cryptoids there.

Step 3: The account creation for World of Cryptoids

You have to create an account on the “Official Cryptoids Marketplace”.

Simply log into the official Cryptoid marketplace with your newly created MetaMask wallet, set your own email address and password (this is used to bind the wallet).

Then log into the game with the email address and password you just registered.

Player of the PC version (Google Chrome or FireFox) please follow this step:

Mobile version players (Google Play or App Store) please follow this step:

Congratulations, you have already opened a new account.

It’s time to start your own adventure in World of Cryptoids!




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