On December 10, 2021, the opening ceremony of the LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS 2022 was officially opened in Guangzhou, China – the Guangzhou Design Week Family Dinner 2021, which together opened a new era of luxurious living aesthetics in contemporary China. LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS will show the world the masterpieces of the new luxury living aesthetics that integrate oriental aesthetics and international design ideas and demonstrate the ideal life of the Chinese with intimate building materials as well as relaxation and living enjoyment.

2021 Guangzhou Design Week Family Dinner announced the LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS.

The annual selection judges of the 2022 LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS were invited to the kick-off ceremony: Masayuki Kurokawa, Martin Jochmann, Ariel Hovav, Rui Leao,

Meng Jianguo, Dai Kun, Zhang Qingping, Huang Zhida, Qian Si, participated in the kick-off ceremony.

At the same time, we invited the CEO of Guangzhou Design Week, Mr. Leo He; the chairman of Guozhen, Mister. Tao Guocheng; the deputy general manager of Guozhen, Ms. Tao Liu, as well as Guozhen’s national distributors, Substation Chiefs of the Guangzhou Design Week International Alliance 180+ City Branch in China, designers and design experts from all over the country to gather to celebrate the LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS and a new era of international luxury home aesthetics together!

2021 Guangzhou Design Week Family Dinner Site

01. ” Redefine “: Ten years of heritage, from luxury décor to luxury living

At the opening ceremony, Mr. Leo He, CEO of Guangzhou Design Week said: “The LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS are the result of the ten-year ideological movement “Re-define” and the relaunch after ten years “Re-define”.

In 2012 the ideological movement “Re-define” was initiated by the Guangzhou Design Week team together with the Associazione Italiana Progettisti d’Interni (AIPI) and the Italian masters of luxury aesthetics Carlo Beltramelli, Virignia Busato, Matieo Pievani, Ben Goh. launched, AJ · Heep, as well as the top Chinese designers TK Chu, Steve Leung, Patrick Leung, Ben Wu, Dai Kun, Simon Chong and other famous Italian designers. Many forward-looking ideas were brought in that had a profound impact on the industry.

After ten years of inheritance, the ideological movement of “Re-Define” has no longer focused on “luxury decor” and has developed into a more humanistic value of “luxurious living”. From luxury homes that focus on external appearance to luxurious living styles that focus on an intrinsic living philosophy, this shift embodies the progressive tastes and aesthetics of the Chinese middle class. As a result of the ten-year ideological movement “Re-define”, the LHDA – LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS arose, a new beginning after ten years of “Re-define”, which opens a new era of luxurious living aesthetics in China.

2012 “Redefine” activity page for ideological movements

2021 Guangzhou Design Week Family Dinner Dinner Site

02.Annual selection judges choose China’s ingenious luxury design from an international perspective

The 2022 LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS invite leading experts and opinion leaders in the field of luxury home aesthetics from around the world to be the annual Selection jurors and participate in the annual judging process to select the best luxury home design in China with an international perspective. hoping to select the most representative Chinese luxury workmanship and Chinese designers who are good at creating luxury homes. To the ceremony, Mr. Kurokawa Masayuki, Mr. Ariel Hovav, Mr. Martin Jochman, Mr. Rui Leao, Mr. Meng Jianguo, Mr. Dai Kun, Mr. Qian Si, Mr. Zhang Qingping and Mr. Huang Zhida were invited as representatives by the annual jury selection and completed the jury nomination ceremony.

2022 LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS Publication of the annual selection of jurors

2022 LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS Annual nomination ceremony for jurors

At the award ceremony, the representatives of the annual selection jurors of the LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS 2022 expressed their unique findings on the subject of “Luxury Living Space”.

2022 LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS Annual international selection of jurors

Mr. Kurokawa Masayuki said: “If there is a living space with a soul, it will be very beautiful.”.

2022 LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS Annual selection juror Mr. Kurokawa Masayuki

Mr. Martin Jochmann said: “For me, the luxury house has to be something special and light and the area must not be minimal. But full of high quality works of art, the best design furniture and the most comfortable and have a beautiful view .. “

2022 LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS Annual Selection Juror Mr. Martin Jochman

Mr. Ariel Hovav said: “Luxury houses rely on the material, the furniture and the design.”

2022 LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS Annual selection juror Mr. Ariel Hovav

Mr. Rui Leao said: “For me the luxury of a home or an environment means creativity and like a temple that looks inward and in the sense of understanding how we have gained control over life, the extra and the space.”

2022 LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS Annual selection juror Mr. Rui Leao

Coincidentally, they all mentioned that the importance of luxurious living does not lie in gorgeous decoration, but in the soul of the room and a comfortable lifestyle.

2022 LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS Annual National Selection Jurors

Mr. Huang Zhida said: “Luxury life is a qualitative change, an attitude and a way of life.”

2022 LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS Annual selection judge Mr. Huang Zhida

Mr. Zhang Haiping said: “Luxurious living is a reflection of our improvement in the quality of life.”

2022 LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS Annual selection judge Mr. Zhang Haiping

mr. Qian Si said: “Together with international designers, we will explore contemporary design of luxury real estate.”

2022 LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS Annual selection juror Mr. Tan Si

Mr. Dai Kun said: “What works for everyone is the best.”

2022 LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS Annual selection judge Mr. Dai Kun

mr. Meng Jianguo said: “Luxury living is luxury in the heart, living in space.”

2022 LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS Annual Selection Juror Mr. Meng Jianguo

03. Design of luxury houses with artisanal production

From Luxury Decor to Luxury Living, in the past luxury was focused on the outside while now luxury was focused on the inside. It is the advancement of the taste and cultivation of Chinese luxury people. The real luxury is not in the material, but in the connotation.

The 2022 LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS are very fortunate to have the support of a partner who also has a luxurious connotation: the great national brand that builds dreams with craftsmanship – Guozhen. From luxury homes to luxury living. Ms. Tao Liu from Guozhen said: “Guozhen will be the ultimate artisanal amalgamation of the essence of Chinese and Western craftsmanship, reinvigorating Chinese woodwork, bringing forth the high standards of the timber house industry to meet the meticulous needs of various high-end aesthetic people.”

2022 LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS Strategic partner
Guozhen Vice President Ms. Tao Liu

Founded in 1992, Guozhen is determined to revitalize Chinese woodworking and achieve high standards in the wood house industry for the past thirty years by combining the essence of Chinese and Western handicrafts with ultimate craftsmanship.

The company now has two production sites in Taizhou and Xuzhou, and its three brands, namely VEANNA, AL Sander Casa and Contemporary Oriental, form a brand matrix that represents the three aesthetic styles of the European court, light luxury modernity and oriental simplicity. Guozhen is one of the few interior design companies that can meet the meticulous needs of various high-end aesthetic groups.

2022 LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS award ceremony for strategic partners

04. Start a new era of luxury home design together

Under the testimony of the annual selection of the 2022 LUXURY HOMES DESIGN AWARDS jurors and a number of international design masters as well as the national distributors of Guozhen, the Guangzhou Design Week International Alliance of 180+ cities in China and designers across the country, the 2022 LUXURY Die Kick-Off -Ceremony of the HOMES DESIGN AWARDS was successfully concluded and together opens a new era of international luxury living aesthetics!

In the future, we will team up with domestic and foreign masters of luxury home design to explore the field of contemporary luxury home design and usher in a new era of contemporary luxury home aesthetics in China. We will try to bring the concept of “Luxury Design, Luxury Homes” into the world with our design power.


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