The initial heart community was spontaneously formed by a group of blockchain industry veterans with the distributed concept of “Satoshi Nakamoto”, determined to build the world’s largest decentralized finance community focused on DeFi, DeFi-related knowledge free to all known and help investors go from leek to banker.

Little Tiger Coin (CUB) is a decentralized community pass developed by the original heart community based on TronChain (Wellenfeldkette) with a total issuance of 9,999 pieces (not to be spent), all held by the output of the community members. Community members will work together to create the first decentralized token in the year of the tiger in 2022 with a boost of over 10,000 times.

In the future, the initial heart community will build many ecosystems such as decentralized exchanges and offline business applications. Now you can get five core benefits by joining the first community: * CUB Appreciation Advantage * TRX Appreciation Advantage * Mobile Pool Fee Advantage * CUB Bid-Ask Spread Advantage * Decentralized Exchange Pledge Advantage. Give small investors in the first heart community the opportunity to build a village together. Everyone in the community is a shareholder and everyone is a banker!

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