The encryption market has been turbulent in recent years, with users’ hearts stumbling. However, since the launch of the Fintoch platform last year, the market has seen a wave of reform that can be described as a tug of war. User trust has been stabilized by Fintoch’s unique hybrid technology and greatly improved asset security. Fintoch promises to hold public finance chain conferences in major cities around the world. After hosting the Greater China Consensus Conference in Shenzhen, China, this time it comes to Kuala Lumpur to hold a big big conference with a large number of guests and crowds. The influx continued and it is estimated that at least more than 5,000 people attended the event.

The conference was attended by teams from 13 countries including Malaysia, China, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Nigeria, Vietnam, Taiwan, India, South Africa, Pakistan, Laos, etc. participating in this grand conference. It shows Fintoch’s internationalization and diversification. Each country’s participation means support and recognition of this burgeoning financial platform. People can’t help but admire that Fintoch is truly fascinating.

Mr. William Thompson, CEO of Fintoch, also spoke in person. He said that Fintoch’s initial goal was to be listed on NASDAQ in 2025, but thanks to the support of users and the company’s plans, the development is going very well and all targets have been exceeded in terms of achievement, so the listing target could be achieved next year, which is ahead of schedule to 2024. This statement was received with enthusiasm and applause by all listeners. William Thompson also announced the March Rank Challenge. If you complete the challenge, you will be rewarded with a USDT cash voucher. All guests jumped at the chance to win when they saw the generous prize.

Such a grand event will not be without wonderful song and dance performances featuring traditional Malaysian dances, Fintoch has also invited Malaysian Queen Amy Search and singer Anuar Zain. Her singing surprised everyone in attendance with more than 20 best-selling albums, dozens of best-selling songs and singles, and dozens of sold-out concerts. Amy Search certainly lived up to his title as King of Rock and Roll. Anuar Zain is also a well-known singer and the guests of the scene also swayed along with the performance, which made the whole event livelier.

The most anticipated part of the event was the raffle. the Fintoch team drew a car, the grand prize was PERODUA AXIA, and the biggest prize was a $8,888 USDT Super Node Cash Voucher, giving away more than 3 million USDT Cash Vouchers, and a grand gift in total, which took the atmosphere to the extreme period. In the future, Fintoch will continue to hold public chain conferences in major cities around the world, and the next station will be in South Korea. I believe it will definitely call for more like-minded users to join.

Industry analysts believe that the scope and user response of the public chains conference is, to some extent, a massive boost to the future success of public finance chains. As an emerging financial platform, Fintoch has breathed new life into the development of the decentralized financial market with its efficient and secure financial services and unique hybrid security technology. In the future, it will bring more reforms and benefits to amaze the market and users.

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