In recent years, the UAE government has combined high technology and digital economy with the original intention of using the Internet and high-tech industries to promote economic change and sustainable development. JIN SHA Kong Gu Group, a large international asset allocation management company based in the Kingdom of Cambodia, will enter into a strategic cooperation with local powerful capital in the UAE and complete the strategic investment of US $ 2 billion in the entire UAE industry in 2022. Based on UAE national development strategy, business, financial investment, interactive entertainment, industrial real estate, e-commerce platforms and other fields will be hard-working to become the largest Chinese Arab cooperative investment aircraft carrier in the Middle East.

The UAE has active capital in the financial investment industry represented by Dubai. It has used national resources and private capital to create a number of the world’s “first” ones. It has attracted many multinational companies and international capital to invest and buy here, and is aiming to become number one in the world. A government powered by the digital economy.

With this in mind, Jinsha Holding Group is optimistic about the regional sections broadcast from the UAE and the entire Middle East. With the pursuit of favorable opportunities, you actively carry out the supra-regional replication of successful models and advantageous products.

From across the national and government levels, the UAE strongly supports the use of new internet technologies to promote the adoption of smart city construction and GDP growth and has a clear and straightforward strategic direction for industrial transformation.

History has proven that any round of global technological and industrial change will explode regional economies to present a wave of renewal iterations. The changes in internet technology since the 20th century and the boom in mobile internet over the past 10 years have gripped the world’s major economies and earned them multiple economic dividends. Large multinational corporations with strength and courage took advantage of the trend targeting multiple large regional cores to expand and innovate, earning loyal users and brand influence.

Regional differences, differences in information and time differences are important reasons for the imbalance in regional development. Obvious examples are the economic models and economic models from Europe, America, Japan and South Korea to China, from East Asia to Southeast Asia, from Asia to the Middle East, and from West Asia to Africa and Latin America. Product replication has become an effective strategy for traditional businesses to expand overseas.

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