Author: CHEN Zirou

In the environment of the accelerated development of global digitization and intelligence, consumer contact media and industrial brand marketing methods are undergoing major changes, and all walks of life are facing this new opportunity and challenge. As the national pillar industry of our country, the catering industry is facing major transformation, exploration and development of the industry. As a catering marketing expert, Mr. ZHU Xiaopeng pays close attention to the development and change trend of intelligent catering marketing, and makes great contributions to the transformation and upgrading of the catering industry.

In recent years, the traditional marketing theories, methods and tools for the hospitality industry have not been able to meet the ever-growing market demand. As a member of the catering marketing chain, Mr. ZHU Xiaopeng is always committed to exploring and trying new marketing methods to meet the needs of consumers. Over the years, Mr. ZHU Xiaopeng has deeply researched and explored the development direction of marketing intelligence and data in the hospitality industry. He has introduced international leading high-tech technologies such as big data analysis technology to the field of catering marketing and developed a series of technical achievements such as “An intelligent restaurant marketing service platform based on big data analysis technology”, ” One- Stop Digital Restaurant Marketing System Based on RFID Technology”, “Restaurant Marketing Data Accuracy Statistics and Management System Based on AI Artificial Intelligence Technology”, “Catering Membership Marketing System Based on Big Data and Intelligent Internet of Things” and so on. These new creative technological achievements not only refine the advantages of traditional catering marketing, but also deeply integrate intelligent technology and predictive marketing methods, provide high-quality solutions for the catering industry’s digital progress, and provide many favorable conditions for the long-term development of capital market marketing revenue growth .

Mr. ZHU Xiaopeng said, “I hope to use intelligent technology to strengthen the catering market and perceive consumers’ concerns and dynamic changes in their needs in real time and accurately. I also hope to use digital technology to bring the catering industry from the low intelligence level to the strong intelligence level, and adjust marketing strategies in a timely manner, so that consumers can continue to feel the marketing innovations of companies and brands. This allows us to accurately predict and capture marketing direction and better meet fluctuations in market demand.”

Regardless of the type of industry, product marketing carries a very important social responsibility. Under a certain market mechanism, the humanistic concern of gastronomy is reflected through tangible and intangible products. Consumers can gauge whether a company or brand caters to their dietary needs and preferences by capturing product ideas from catering companies. Even if different guests have different service positions for the same restaurant, the creativity of marketing always touches the hearts of consumers. At present, through the introduction of a large number of intelligent technologies, Mr. ZHU Xiaopeng is rapidly generating a large number of different forms of marketing creativity in a short period of time according to the differences in consumer tastes and needs. At the same time, he adjusts the structure of catering companies and brands in a timely manner, organically aligns the company’s brand culture and creativity with the needs of consumers, and avoids the friction of value orientation with consumers. It has effectively accelerated the iteration speed of smart marketing in hospitality.

As a leader in supporting the integration of intelligent technology into catering marketing, ZHU Xiaopeng has always been committed to overcoming the application difficulties of catering marketing in the exploration and contribution of intelligent marketing, and providing total solutions for the catering industry and brands in of development to provide ascending dimension information technology and focuses on the development of intelligent development with the support of AI, big data and other technologies. At the same time, it creates a new catering marketing closed-loop mode to enable enterprises and brands to better adapt to the new stage of upgrading from two-dimensional marketing to four-dimensional marketing, proving the path and direction for intelligent upgrading and transformation of traditional gastronomy marketing. One of Mr. ZHU Xiaopeng’s technical achievements “Restaurant marketing data accuracy statistics and management system based on artificial intelligence AI technology” uses new AI technology to create accurate statistics of catering marketing data, and carries out personalized portrait display of customer groups. Through artificial intelligence AI technology, consumers’ personalized preferences and eating habits are filtered out. The analysis results flow into the flexible production of gastronomy products. The technological achievements developed by Mr. ZHU Xiaopeng have replaced artificial services with intelligent AI services, greatly improved the efficiency and quality of services, and brought the consumer consumption experience and the marketing strategies of catering companies to a high degree of product-product synergy effect .

Mr. ZHU Xiaopeng has accumulated rich marketing experience in the hospitality industry for many years. Faced with constantly updated market demand and changes in consumer preferences, Mr. ZHU Xiaopeng has always maintained the original intention of “fundamentally touching consumers”, understanding the changing direction of marketing methods and marketing content, and responding to consumer needs and the market in a timely manner. In the future, Mr. ZHU Xiaopeng will continue to introduce intelligent high-tech, insight into consumer psychology and demand, and create intelligent closed-loop catering mode to create the intelligent, digital transformation and upgrading of the industry to provide continuous performance .

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