Scene of a relatives’ meeting in Shunde, Guangdong Province

On December 17th, the 12th Shunde Folk Congress was opened in Shunde. More than 200 villagers and 40 communities from 12 countries on five continents came together. Nearly 90 overseas Shunde communities listened and watched the live broadcast online to renew friendship and seek common development.

Under the motto “Trace back to the sources of all rivers, work together and reach great distances”, the conference will present the new achievements and new look of Shunde’s development to Hong Kong, Macau and overseas villagers in the form of “Cloud Live + Live Conference” broadcasts the local mood around the world, encourages villagers to promote Sangzi and strive for high-quality development of Shunde together with villagers around the world.

Shunde is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese, with more than 500,000 Hong Kong and Macau compatriots and overseas villagers. There are nearly 90 chambers of commerce and foreign associations in Shunde. In order to better contact Shunde villagers living around the world, promote the gathering activities of Shunde associations, and promote the development of various enterprises in Shunde, the World Shunde Fellowship Association holds a relatives’ gathering every two years. Over the past 11 years, it has been held in nine cities on five continents.

“The most beautiful but native beauty, the strongest but hometown.” Liu Zhiyong, member of the Standing Committee of the Foshan Municipal Committee and secretary of the Shunde District Party Committee, said at the opening ceremony that hundreds of thousands of villagers at home and abroad welcomed the strong driving force behind Shunde’s modernization and internationalization, and Shunde’s brilliant achievements today cannot be achieved without the villagers’ tireless support. Going forward, Shunde will make good use of the World Shunde Fellowship Association platform, strengthen the friendship of Shunde communities and villagers around the world, gather to beautify the city with water, revitalize the city with water, and build a High quality development demonstration area.

Foshan Municipal Committee Standing Committee, United Front Work Department Minister Ding Xifeng for Shunde at home and abroad to praise strong mulberry Zi feelings. He hoped that the villagers would continue to support and participate in the reform and development of Foshan and Shunde, come home often, continue to be ambassadors of friendship between China and other countries, spread Chinese culture, tell good Chinese stories, and promote the Sangzi would renew friendship, share development opportunities, and create a better future together.

Luo Weiman, president of the World Shunde Fellowship Association, gave a speech and said that Shunde has always adhered to the combination of “bringing in” and “going out” as a window of opening. An open Shunde shows China’s vitality, and the prospect of high-quality development will be brighter. He hopes that the overseas compatriots, Hong Kong and Macao in a common development opportunity in the country are strong, vigorous energy shunde, yong yi, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with great contribution strength.

At the opening ceremony, Shunde was named the “Shunde City of Honour” for the first time to recognize the people of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan who have made outstanding contributions to the development of Shunde’s economic and social enterprises. Nineteen people from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan were honored. At the same time, the launch ceremony of four books was held, including “Fengcheng of Overseas Chinese Rhyme – Exhibition of Overseas Chinese Museum in Shunde”, “Sailing into the Sea – Story of Overseas Chinese Compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao in Shunde”, “Shunde Taste Shared by All” and “Shunde Food Zhuzhi Ci” were also held, showing the development and development of the history, culture and affairs of overseas Chinese in Shunde in a comprehensive manner.

Overseas Chinese International Cultural Exchange Base

During the conference, Shunde’s second “International Cultural Exchange Base for Overseas Chineses” was unveiled at the Exhibition Hall for Self-Caring Women, Bingyu Hall, Junan City, Shunde. It is reported that in October this year, the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese published the list of the 10th series of “International Cultural Exchange Bases for Overseas Chinese in China,” and the Bingyutang Zishuo Women’s Exhibition Hall in Shunde District, Foshan City was successfully selected. It is also the second “International Cultural Exchange Base for Overseas Chinese” in Shunde after the Qinghui Garden.

As one of the important activities during the congress, “Tang Style Yamo – Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition of Dr. Ma Chengkuan, another resident in the United States. In total, more than 50 paintings and calligraphy works were created by Dr. Ma Chengkuan exhibited. Ma Chengkuan visited the exhibition with the guests of the Ken Affinity Conference.

The paintings and paintings exhibition of Dr. Ma Chengkuan, a roommate in the United States, opened at the Shunde Museum

In addition, during the conference, business promotion activities such as the Shunde City Investment Promotion Conference and an overseas business trip were successfully held, as well as wonderful activities such as the “Home Fragrances Food • Taste Shunde” exhibition, which showcased Shunde’s advantages and unique charm in culture, investment and other fields .

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