The “GO TO WE100 | Shaping Our Future Together – The 2nd World Youth Arts International Touring Exhibitions”, initiated by the International Olymp’Arts Committee and the International Joint Initiatives ASBL, with the support of the Italian Ministry of Education, the Italian National Network of Art High Schools-ReNaliArt and the National Academy of Arts Enzo Rossi, opened on January 15, 2022 in Beijing in conjunction with the selection of works for the 4th International Art Biennale of Italian Universities in China, which will be held concurrently with this competition.

The “GO TO WE100 | Shaping Our Future Together – The 2nd World Youth Arts International Touring Exhibitions is a follow-up to UN75 | Shaping Our Future Together – World Youth Arts International Touring Exhibitions” in 2020, which will continue to create and showcase a comprehensive approach to the United Nations Global Sustainable Development Goals. From the perspective and mindset of young people, discuss and look forward to the next 25 years, the centenary of the United Nations, what our world and global environment will be like, and broadcast our initiative to build a better future for all people the world!

Create the future, paint the world, let’s paint a beautiful future together.

This competition has strong support from many local and international artists and art schools and lays a solid foundation for young people’s future study abroad programs.

Meanwhile, the competition also offers generous prizes and honors. The outstanding works will also represent China in participating in the 4th International Art Biennale of Italian Universities in Italy, receive honors for the country and receive the privilege of participating in Modern Olymp’Arts 2023, will also have the opportunity to receive national ones and international exhibitions, study tours and participate in the recording of television programs. The winning entries have the opportunity to be generated as digital works for future international exhibitions and exchange programs.

The registration deadline for the competition is March 15, 2022, and we hope that all aesthetic educational institutions and youth friends will actively participate and submit their work.

Contact number for submissions and inquiries: 13811134175 / same for WeChat account

For more information, visit our websites:;

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