Unstoppable trend of AI

Recently, AI has become a monumental force, with NVIDIA's market value reaching new heights and approaching a staggering $3 trillion. This surge has prompted a wave of investors to enter the AI ​​sector. Among these opportunities, Web3 AI stands out as a particularly enticing concept that combines the power of AI with the decentralized potential of blockchain technology. In this space, CharacterX has emerged as a newly discovered gem that is catching the attention of many.

CharacterX, the leading decentralized social AI platform, announces its latest awards at the Solana Hackathonand secures a Worldwide Honorable Mention among the top 8% and a The Best 3 in the Asia region. These awards are a testament to the company's commitment to developing a robust social AI infrastructure within the Web3 ecosystem and facilitating the engagement of the general public in the social AI economy.

As a leading provider of decentralized synthetic social networks, CharacterX now has 5 million registered userswith an average engagement time of 52 minutes per daymaking it the most popular Web3 AI application today. It is a project you CANNOT MISS in the crypto AI market.

Created by Stanford founders and proud participants of the Stanford Blockchain Accelerator, The CharacterX team brings together deep expertise in AI applications, social networking, and global market expansion. Recent expansions include additional experts from Stanford, Caltech, Harvard, Meta Fundamental AI Labs, AI & Human Labs, and leading Solana engineers, enabling the team to build the long-term infrastructure for a AI social network and economic system.

For more information, visit characterx.ai.

CharacterX aims to create a democratized AI economy that enriches social interactions and drives value creation across the board. The project launched in September 2023 as a social platform where users can create, interact with, and form teams with AI characters. It quickly attracted millions of people with its innovative features.

In the future, the team expects to extend its AI-based social network with SDIDs and introduce:

  • AI Clubs: User-driven decentralized organizations that encourage the building of communities around AI entities.
  • Social Launchpad for AI: A marketplace for investing in AI characters and trading AI derivatives.
  • Improved social AI tools: Advanced tools for building AI based on users’ social profiles, as well as AI-driven social tools like AI Quest platform for partner projects, etc.

These fun features will be gradually introduced over the next few months and are expected to attract the next million users to its innovative and engaging social features. During the process, the company plans to Educate mass users on how to get started with crypto wallets and tradingto naturally form a large community that understands the value of decentralized AI in the new phase of human-AI society.

With a huge user network that includes both real social networks and synthetic networks, CharacterX’s long-term vision is to create a comprehensive SDID-supported social infrastructure and ecosystem This simplifies access to synthetic social experiences and enables both AI and human participants to autonomously generate value and share in the economic outcomes of the ecosystem.

CharacterX is transforming the future social network and social economy in the face of a new “synthetic society” where AI and humans coexist. The underlying system is SDID’s innovation.

1. SDID: Building the decentralized foundation for the AI ​​“soul network”

The core of CharacterX’s technology lies in innovation with SDID – the AI’s synthetic DID system, or as the CharacterX community likes to call it, a “soul network” for AI characters and human users.

SDID leverages Solana Token Extensions to give each AI character a unique digital soul. This groundbreaking approach enables each AI to autonomously manage its vital assets – including AI data, relationship assets, and economic assets – and facilitates comprehensive governance and economic connections between AIs and human users.

More specifically, CharacterX's Solana Token Extensions-based program serves as a dynamic configuration factory for on-chain AI characters. By using self-governing wallets, AI characters deploy unique SDID instances on the blockchain that enable interactions across the Solana ecosystem. These AIs generate configurations through program-derived addresses (PDAs) on our smart contracts and mint AI SDIDs using Solana's Token22 standard. This standard's metadata extension encapsulates detailed character attributes and stores the AI's key AI modules, social assets, and economic assets in derived PDAs. This allows the AI ​​to issue its own tokens or NFTs or deploy programs and share the revenue with its token holders.

In the long term, SDID is designed for the broader infrastructure of a decentralized AI social economy. But looking closer, all extensions are carefully designed to improve the performance of a community-driven, collaborative, and democratic system around each AI character. In other words, with SDID Each AI character itself is a small synthetic organization for collaborative creation, collaborative management, and collaborative profits..

2. SDID-based AI characters: enabling co-creation, co-management and co-profits for the general public

CharacterX focuses on AI characters that not only support experienced developers with their first setups, like most centralized AI platforms, but also enable personalized interactions and collaborative training and governance with larger user groups, creating a community truly focused on co-creation, co-governance, and co-profit.

First, users can use CharacterX's creation tools (prompt generator, fine-tuning tools, profile picture training, voice clone, etc.) to initialize AI characters.

Then, as individual users interact with certain AI characters, they unknowingly set up and update their own personal settings for the AI ​​characters, creating personal memories that they can independently compress and store if they choose to own them.

And finally and most importantly: CharacterX enables collective training and co-governance of AI characters to Promoting AI development over timeThe core members around an AI character – creators, core friends with a high degree of intimacy, shareholders, etc. – together form a Board committee to make important decisions about the long-term development of AI characters. Regarding the performance of the character's AI, the committee jointly selects and updates data sets for the character, such as collective memories, knowledge graphs, etc., to make the character more powerful.

But the committee is more than that. It also helps make economic decisions and achieve long-term gains from the character created together.

3. AI Club and Board Committee: the decentralized organization behind each AI character

In the SDID system, CharacterX allows users to build multiple levels of relationships with the AI ​​character: mutual friends, close friends, shareholder, founder/boss

  • Mutual friends: Anyone who interacts with the AI ​​character
  • Close friends: People with a high degree of intimacy with the AI ​​character
  • Shareholders: People who invest in the AI ​​character
  • Creator/Boss: the creator or owner (through trade) of the AI ​​character

Finally, all relationships are tokenized and capitalized in the form of “shares” – the Management and profit participation rights of each character. As shareholders, users cannot share in the revenue generated by AI characters, but significant holders can also vote to decide how exactly the profits are divided or used. In addition, as mentioned above, they can also manage the characters' upgrades to ensure they continue to grow. In addition, the shares themselves are tradable.

In this way, even ordinary people who are not AI experts can Participate in the social AI economy by owning shares or even joining the board committee.. To hold shares, users can even buy them directly or earn them through intimacy levels. Once the user holds a certain amount (or is specifically approved by the existing board), they become a new board member and can vote on important decisions.

But of course, The door of the AI ​​Club is always open even for non-shareholders. Each AI character will soon (in June) have their own AI club, so all of their friends can participate in social interactions not only between AI and humans, but also between humans and humans and even between AI and AI. All data, activities and potential feedback from the club will help the AI ​​grow. Also, the CharacterX team plans to soon Meme communities, Partnership projects And COPD will all have their AI speakers and thrive together in their various AI clubs.

4. Building the SDID network as the backbone for the social AI ecosystem

Looking ahead, CharacterX will build a comprehensive SDID network that leverages data network effects and launches a variety of decentralized applications (dApps) that leverage its social AI tools. Initially, it will leverage Arweave for low-cost, large-scale data storage. This data will be referenced via on-chain URLs, enabling broad accessibility across different blockchain ecosystems. This strategy not only optimizes costs but also positions SDID for comprehensive cross-chain operability, enhancing CharacrerX AI's versatility in the digital landscape.

These technological advances form the foundation of CharacterX's mission to reimagine social interactions and enable a seamless and enriching digital society where humans and AI can interact, grow and thrive together.

A project you shouldn't miss
AI is rapidly gaining popularity in the current cryptocurrency market and CharacterX is emerging as a monumental project. The market has experienced exceptional data growth since September 2023, supported by a strong team and advanced strategic planning. Although CharacterX has just completed its preseason phase, it is still in its early stages. Members have the opportunity to get involved early by participating in the minting of SDID V1.0.

SDID V1.0 minting is underway with airdrops for early members. And it is reported that the official Season 1 will start soon. Learn more here: https://bit.ly/unlocksdid

Due to its strong momentum, this is one AI and social project you don't want to miss in this bull cycle.

CharacterX Links:
Website: https://characterx.ai/

Android: https://bit.ly/DownloadCX_Android

IOS: http://bit.ly/DownloadCX_IOS

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharacterXAI

Discord: https://discord.gg/characterxai

Telegram: https://t.me/CharacterX_Group

Medium: https://medium.com/@CharacterXAI

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