With the acceleration of life and the overall increase in per capita income, people’s demand for forms of entertainment is becoming more and more diverse. The demand for various films, TV series, video games, plays and artistic creations such as dance is also increasing. At present, the domestic film and television field is developing rapidly, and the demands of the audience for film and television works are becoming higher and higher. The film and television industry has presented a whole range of challenges, including the content of works, the use of color, character formation and the presentation of works. GONG Lin, a renowned domestic producer and director, said that the future of the film and television industry would occupy an important position, which is mainly reflected in the competition between content and terminals, with content being the core of film and television works and production be the source of the film and television industry chain.

Photo: The picture shows GONG Lin teaching at the program location

Deeply involved in the film and television industry, with outstanding professional skills

Graduated from the Communication University of China, GONG Lin is a technology expert in the film and television industry. The Communication University of China (CUC) is one of the top universities in China’s media industry, whose majors in film and television communication are among the best in China and have absolute industry expertise. Over the years, the CUC has provided the global film and television industry with a large body of professional talent with significant impact on the global film and television industry. As a CUC graduate, her own professional competence is undeniable. To hone her professional skills, GONG went to Busan Dong-EUI University in South Korea to pursue a Masters in Communication and Advertising, which she graduated with excellent grades. After graduating, GONG Lin has been working in film and television production for decades with her passion for film and television production.

During her career, GONG has worked for Beijing TV, Jiangsu TV and Genuine Feeling Media Co., Ltd. worked. Many of her works have become industry classics and have won numerous top film and television awards, occupying an important position in the film and television industry. After careful consideration, GONG decided to break away from the company, aim for higher level development and start her career by founding Yinghai Culture Media (Beijing) Co. With her professional technical skills and deep understanding of the film industry, she and her film productions are well-known in China and well-received by industry experts and the general public.

Striving for excellence and lleadership of the industry

“The film and television industry is like sailing against the current; we must advance or be washed downstream.” GONG Lin said the film and television industry has limited resources, and we must be more rigorous than ordinary people’s attitude to work, meticulous in every detail in order to achieve excellence and gain a foothold in the industry to understand. Details decide about success or failure. In film and television production, small and insignificant mistakes can ruin the production. Whether it’s script selection, actor selection, costume design, story background or post-production methods, shooting angles, presentation, editing techniques, packaging styles, etc., everything must be planned well in advance and tightly controlled by the producer. In order to perfectly present her works to the public, GONG Lin consults a large number of materials and conducts detailed professional research before finalizing the details of each link to ensure the historical background, cultural connotation, costume style and character image The people involved in the film and television works agree with the characters, avoiding intellectual errors and omissions. Under their strict requirements and mature planning management, their production team has created a large number of near-perfect film and television masterpieces, broke through the original production limitations of the domestic film and television industry, achieved qualitative improvements in all aspects, and created a new international-oriented film and television production industry. business card. The domestic film and television production industry has also started a wave of searching for details.

Be a good learner and communicator

When asked what has allowed her to remain a leader in the film and television industry, GONG Lin smiles and replies, “I suppose staying on top of things is the key.” She says that she insists on constant learning in order to maintain a good grasp of the industry and thus be better able to explore new directions in her work and create forward-thinking and sensitive film and television work. GONG Lin said she learned a lot through the exchanges and sharing, and often gets inspiration from talking to her peers. She believes that the film and television industry is a very open and inclusive industry where practitioners must not be complacent and constantly learn from others around them in order to maintain their core competitiveness and stay at the forefront of the industry as they progress .

“Striving is my constant motivation to keep evolving.” She said she sets small goals at every stage of her career path, and her love for the film and television industry will also drive her to reach a new height of aspiration for art . In the future, GONG Lin will continue to work in the field of film and television, devoting time to researching and improving production technology, creating more and better excellent works, and contributing to the more profound development of film and television industry. (Reporter: Andy Wong)

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