In recent years, the market demand for decentralized storage has gradually increased. With the explosive growth of digital content and increasing concerns about data security and privacy, individuals and organizations are looking for more reliable, secure, and distributed storage solutions.

As a rising star in decentralized storage, Datamall Chain takes full advantage of decentralized storage trading algorithms, network mechanisms and environmental governance tokens to unlock the benefits of the decentralized storage trading market. Almost a year after the testnet launched last year, Datamall Chain has hundreds of thousands of active users.

However, Datamall Chain has a much more ambitious goal. As we continue to evolve, Datamall Chain works with ecosystem partners to refine and iterate on our own models, proactively address the issues and challenges in the industry, and continue to drive the widespread adoption and popularization of decentralized storage in practice.

1. Widespread Application and popularization in practice

In February of this year, Datamall Chain entered into an intensive collaboration with the Immerex Virtual Reality Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley, one of the main research departments of the UC Berkeley School of Computer Science and Engineering, which is to improve human-computer interaction improve and improve human perception of the environment and others.

The lab will set up a supernode on the Datamall chain to store data. This is an important implementation of decentralized storage application scenarios. It will further validate the benefits of decentralized storage and drive the acceptance and use of this technology in academia and technology.

The distributed storage market is full of different projects, but one of the biggest problems is that many of the use cases are wrong. To encourage market adoption, public chains often choose to issue their own tokens to incentivize users to store their data. More often, large nodes upload useless data and information for incentives. Although the amount of data stored appears to be increasing, it does not generate any real value.

Projects like Datamall Chain are necessary to break out of the dilemma. They are committed to providing solutions to real needs, continuously driving the technology to market, and expanding collaborations with partners like Immerex VR Laboratory.

2. Self-optimization and iteration

In January this year, Datamall Chain announced its strategic partnership with, whose key members include Victor Zhou, a leading contributor to Ethereum improvement proposals, and William Entriken, the lead author of ERC-721. The two sides will collaborate on several aspects, including the development of blockchain technology and distributed storage.

Looking back on the thriving history of the first public chain, Ethereum, the community has consistently seen developers suggesting improvements. As new ideas and proposals are put forward and implemented, new areas such as decentralized finance and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have emerged in Ethereum. For example, before the introduction of the ERC-721 standard, the boom in the NFT market would have been unimaginable. The expansion of the underlying standards has created a basis and created the possibilities for new economic models.

The strategic collaboration with provides Datamall Chain with an excellent external perspective to study the performance improvements needed in the development of public chains and achieve a robust economic model through functional optimization.

3. Addressing issues and challenges in the industry

Since March this year, Datamall Chain has been proactively participating in various events to share its observations and insights, highlight the benefits and potential of decentralized storage technology, and provide analysis of practical cases and application scenarios. The aim is to increase industry awareness and understanding of decentralized storage and encourage broader discussion and collaboration.

The online AMA (Ask Me Anything) event with .bit focused on exploring the status quo and problems of the storage market and introducing the advanced solution of decentralized storage. In particular, the collaboration with PLUR ASCII ART explained how decentralized storage strengthens the Metaverse and NFT markets and how it can serve as an enabling technology for healthier and more prosperous market growth. Discussions with the EMC protocol delved deeper into the topic, as EMC is a two-layer blockchain protocol focused on decentralized computing networks, where decentralized computing and decentralized storage complement each other and together form a technological foundation for the upper economy.

Last August, Fog Works, an application partner of the DMC ecosystem, announced the closing of a multi-million seed pre-funding, with OKX Blockdream Venture as a lead investor. This year, Datamall Chain has actively participated in the events hosted by OKX. It participated as a community partner in the hackathon hosted by OKX and Google Cloud, as well as the Wen3 night in Los Angeles hosted by OKX.

The reason Datamall Chain is considered the new star in decentralized storage is because of its continuous evolution and close collaboration with ecosystem partners to drive the adoption of decentralized storage. Through the continuous optimization and iteration of its own models, the company has proactively addressed various issues and challenges in the industry and further promoted the widespread popularization and application of decentralized storage in practical scenarios. Datamall Chain has made decentralized storage a widely accepted and adopted solution that offers users a safer, more efficient, and more reliable way to store and share data.

Through continuous collaboration and innovation, decentralized storage will soon play a more important role and make positive contributions to the development of the digital world.

Visit the official DMC website for more information.




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