Ntbuy has successfully completed a $ 18 million financing. With its global business and over 3.5 million users and rapid growth of 50%, it will launch a new “click farm mining” plan in line with its implementation of the group strategy.

What is Ntbuy Click Farm Mining?

Ntbuy integrates decentralized blockchain technology to create a new financial community with features like distributed ledgers and smart contracts. That is, in “Click Farm Mining” mode, users no longer need to buy mining machines or build mining farms on Ntbuy, only to complete the click farm tasks, to earn contract commissions and additional official NTC tokens that are rewarded by the platform.

According to the latest emissions plan, the total NTC emissions are 2 billion, which is a fixed number with no new emissions in the future. Of the total issue, the investor holds 50%, the development fund 20%, the development and operations team 20% and the remaining 10% are used for platform rewards.

The benefit of using click farm mining on Ntbuy:

Everyone can take part in the “Click-Farm Minding”, the transaction is secure and operation is easy. The platform has an appropriate circulating destruction mechanism in place to ensure that the NTC received from users has the potential to add value. In addition, a 1% share of the credit is automatically paid out on a daily basis, so that the total asset income of the users increases steadily.

Ntbuy’s “Click Farm Mining” function is scheduled to start before December 24th. NTC will be listed on the Binance Exchange before March 31, 2022, with an initial value of roughly 1 NT Currency = R $ 1, which will increase the flow in the community cryptocurrency market and increase global asset growth!

Click the link to view it: https://ntbuy.com

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