As it became known, RAIDERS officially announced on November 27th that the newly updated version 2.0 RAIDERS, which obtains materials from Dragon Nest and combines it with the blockchain technology, has officially entered the Internet test phase and will continue until the end of this year Market would come. RAIDERS is a very free RPG metaverse strategy game. As an updated version 2.0 of Metaverse Dragon Nest, RAIDERS is deeply developing Metaverse and DAO of the GameFI division and creating value for DAO members by investing and developing assets in Metaverse.

With previous outstanding works, the games empire will break the capital market.

Currently, with the support of Metaverse, NFT and other concepts, the blockchain game is becoming increasingly popular. While NFT games and Metaverse are changing on the threshold, large traditional game companies are gradually joining in. Axie’s one-month sales are more than $ 334 million and exceeded $ 231 million this July from Arena of Valor. Axie’s success is inspiring the blockchain industry and bringing this niche field closer to the public again.

Looking back at the development of the traditional game industry, it is not difficult to see that the contradiction between player and developer is becoming ever more serious due to the concentration of power. If you leave playability aside, many problems can only be discovered on the basis of the value structure. For the player, the transformation to digitization means the relationship between the player and the game, the developer has changed a lot. The digital download has insisted that the player does not own the game and the game content he is playing, but only has a personal license (game property) to access the game and the game content; the player rarely has the right to transfer ownership of the game (not eligible for sale).

Since there is no legal way to transfer the goods purchased in the game, spending money on virtual goods is kind of a one-way street and you can only buy but not sell. For this purpose, RAIDERS was born to perfectly solve these problems through blockchain technology.

RAIDERS enables the value interaction of the virtual and the real.

RAIDERS is short for Raiders of the Dragon Valley. It is a very free RPG metaverse strategy game published based on Binance Smart Chain. The game is entirely based on the current blockchain technology and features rich game scenes, game props, trading markets, investment markets and in-game ecosystems.

RAIDERS will carry the ecosystem in combination with NFTs + DeFi + GAMEFi which is community driven and focused on user benefit. Everyone can have a virtual identity in RAIDERS Metaverse, participate in the creation of game methods and virtual objects, and implement the auction and exchange of virtual objects via NFT. Throughout the process, the player’s appreciation, growth, occupation and awakening are characterized by the financial and economic model. It also unlocks more game methods and revenue by sharing experiences and methodologies, and recommending new users to join the union. In other words, all traces of behavior of the user are accompanied by a value orientation. The mode of play to earn is at the bottom of the overall game.

RAIDERS doesn’t lack playability. It unlocks sections of the game with an action-oriented style of play. Each section is iteratively updated and changed, each section has different styles and play methods, and the new section and level will be unlocked as the hero grows. Not only are there dreamy images and fluid gaming experiences in the game, we have also developed very rich combat mechanisms and combinations of skills according to the game methods of different heroes. In addition, the game method of resource collection and creation is added, making RAIDERS a blockchain game with real playability and collection property.

Metaverse has engineered the technical interaction between the virtual and the real, while RAIDERS has opened up access to the delivery of value and allows us to be warriors before dawn, turn the ideal into reality and begin the great journey that is ours.

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