The mission

With the trend of the metaverse boom, blockchain games are multiplying and developing at an unprecedented rate. In many NFT games that look crude and crude, like 20 years ago, there are some crude requests for game changes such as complete control over the playing ability, absolute fairness of the rules of the game, and freedom of playing career. All of this suggests that people are thinking that the game is no longer a time consuming toy, but an extra world and life.

The lines between life and play are blurred.

However, there are always some fetters that lie between life and game. it is probably the virtual economic hegemony of a top company, or it is the front line of small developers with impending infrastructural deficiencies. No matter how the concept of the metaverse is interpreted, no matter how the evolution tree of Bolckchain games is interpreted, these chains must be broken.

Break these boundaries. That is the mission that the SHARD team has set itself.

The starting point

In the huge Metaverse projects, the SHARD team may be different with the original intention.

They didn’t join the carnival of on-chain game development immediately, but instead chose a small problem that has plagued the game world for a long time as a starting point: the definition and dissemination of game assets.

So at the beginning they made a tiny invention: SOULSTONE.

Soulstone aims to reconstruct the rules of game content and assets. The gaming assets are protected as personal property in accordance with the applicable legal framework. However, the publication of the game assets is not related to the players themselves, and even the players have no real control over those assets. With the NFT technology, SHARD will outsource the release of game assets. The basic logic is that the soultone, as an integrated collateral middleware held by the players, is injected into the game props issued by the game developer to co-mint the game assets (NFT) together and then finally allow game assets to be reconstructed by law Qualification on blockchain.

Everyone has a different Metaverse plan and their own game preferences. That is the diversity of the virtual world. But everyone should have a common virtual asset protection mechanism that is the foundation of the world’s diversity. The SHARD team would like to take the decisive step with Soulstone to exceed the boundaries of different game worlds.

The invitation

In fact, games are never just a developer thing. Without player participation and interaction, any game is meaningless.

Looking to the future, SHARD hopes Soulstone is just the beginning. On the basis of the confirmation of assets, players can not only “play” in the game world, but also participate in the “construction” of the game world.

SHARD will define the SHARD protocol as an aggregator and accelerator in the open source game state system through a brand new technology and cross-game metadata transfer layer to bridge the gap between traditional games and blockchain games. The user can shape soulstones for games, while game developers can create a new game world based on the underlying protocol that allows the users to launch it. The player will be the inhabitant and creator of the new world.

SHARD also sent out invitations for developers and distributors. The liquidity assurance and programmable scalability provided by SHARD, as well as the properties of NFT, allow the assets of future games to be minted and sold before the game is released, giving developers enough time to focus on game development. Cross-game assets can be aggregated and disseminated through the basic protocol layer and the business protocol layer. Not only can users get a universal minting and trading platform for game assets, but the publisher also gets a flexible and transparent, highly efficient distribution platform. Content and liquidity receive equal attention, which in turn benefits all players.

The trip

The creation of SoulStone.

SHARD will invite gamers from all over the world to this great event in late 2021, and the minting of the Soulstone will make it possible to obtain tickets for the first game of SHARDverse.

The rewards for the royal community

Soulstone’s staking pool opens. SHARD will return most of the income from the sale of Soulstones to the community.

The carnival

The first game demo of SHARDverse for gamers to experience will be released in early 2022. The full version of the game will be released in mid-2022 and more games will follow shortly.


In mid-2021, SHARD DAO will open to vSS owners and the SHARD team will gradually transfer control to the community.

In the current world of blockchain travel, the Shard team is behaving so calmly that it is not like attending this NFT party.

Compared to the sound “live in the moment”, however, the SHARD team hopes to offer the players the fundamental advantages of this time. It is the “Forever Matrix” blessed by Soulstone, a truly new world.

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