The blockchain industry has gradually emerged from the initial stages of development. The traditional investment circle also sees that the next five to ten years will be a golden time for the development of the metaverse and the channel for investment transformation has been opened. At present, the NFT projects related to the Metaverse area are essentially still in the early stages, and the early design of investment institutions will have the opportunity to earn larger dividends.

In recent years, with the capital market and natural UGC acceptance and KOL entry effect, the concept and market of NFT continue to gain popularity, from the creation of a single product to ecological derivation; From transforming wealth trading to empowering the meta-universe, the conceptual logic continues to deepen and the value model continues to improve. As for the future development direction and scenario expansion of the NFT field, the key point is that if we want to try to break the logic of the association between virtuality and reality, NFT will surely become an indispensable and important element of the metaverse.

In 2021, GameFi occupied the blockchain industry traffic pool for some time as game interactivity and coverage have become the preferred means of attracting traffic and converting it into cash in terms of operating experience and number of shared users. However, the transition from traditional Internet gaming to GameFi is not easy and successful to make. Every step of the process, such as the underlying protocol, talent matching, technology upgrades, and model reinvention, must be solid and stable. Products and users who have gone through several market screenings and eliminated the best and worst can really participate.

It is foreseeable that the combination of NFT and GameFi will be outstanding projects in blockchain and metaverse investments. And based on the current simple infrastructure and early accumulation stage, the application and expansion of large GameFi carriers are only tiny steps forward.

ZOS (Zeus Operating System), Metaverse’s underlying public blockchain created by a distributed geek group, breaks the limitation that the traditional public blockchain smart contract code program does not support large-scale interactive games and a large number of ecological ones applications, and is believed to be the world’s first public application-level blockchain operating system to build a super metaverse ecology. It breaks the limitations of smart contracts, generates a unified “library protocol” in smart contracts, and establishes an efficient programmable operating system that greatly improves the ability to develop more complex large-scale applications. Distributed geek group ZOS DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) has spent more than 30 million USD in technical costs after more than three years of research and development. Although it has attracted some capital attention and strategic investment in its early stages, the main ZOS network has not yet launched and the private placement is still ongoing. While the main network of ZOS will be launched soon, based on the concept of DAO, it exclusively uses HTT (Hyper Threading Technology) to solve the TPS (Transaction Per Second) problem. Under the premise that the underlying main chain adopts slicing technology, Hyper Threading is used in the side chain to realize the infinite overlay possibility of single-node multiplexing of multiple programs and TPS, while enhancing high parallel processing ability. It is reported that ZOS will conduct TPS testing in the first quarter of 2022.

Much of ZOS’ foresight is reflected in its design logic for large GameFi runs and the fact that NFT naturally straddles and blends the traditional Internet and GameFi market experiences. As popularity wanes, many NFT and GameFi major projects can’t escape Flash’s cyclical sales in the pan, and generating qualitative shifts is a key trend and thickening the foundation of whether ZOS can carve out a phenomenal entrance to the metaverse where it lies in the series of frameworks that have been silently built through many years of accumulation, will gradually emerge and withstand the rapid changes of the market and the practical tests at the application level. What will be the scenario and experience that may open up with this long pregnancy? Stay tuned for updates.

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